41. Good intention without action is useless

One bad intention makes all good qualities and actions useless

If the number “1” is alone, what is its value? One.

If a “0” is next to a “1”, what is its value? Ten.

A “0” without “1” has no value. A “1” without “0” can’t become ten. Their real values are revealed only when they are together.

Having good intentions is equivalent to “1”. All other good qualities and actions are like zeros. Their real values are revealed only when they are together.

When our intentions are bad, all the knowledge, money, and power we have doesn’t make us saintly but make us unsaintly. When intentions (“1”) go bad, it drains all our saintliness.

Our foolishness is, we don’t value “1”, but we keep procuring zeros. We don’t value our intentions, but we keep acquiring all good qualities and keep doing all good work.

Society does not value intentions

If we have good intentions, will it increase our value in the world?

The world believes in what it sees. When we acquire knowledge, money, or power, the world only checks whether we have them or not but doesn’t see our intentions behind them. As the world doesn’t see our intentions, they are not valued.

Thus, intentions have no market value. And so, a fool thinks, “If something has no market value, what is the purpose of holding it with me?”

The fool also thinks, “Which has a high market value in the world? The things (knowledge, power, and money) that can be displayed will have higher market value. So, let me hold the things that the world values and discard the thing (intention) that the world doesn’t value.”

Good intention without any action has no value

If we say, “I have all good intentions,” but if we don’t put in any efforts, then how can others know about our good intentions?

Intentions are seen in actions. Without actions, we become like the “1” without any zeros. What is the value of it? Only one and nothing more.

When we have good intentions, our value is one. By our good actions, when we get a zero, our value becomes ten (increased by 9 times). When we get one more zero with another good act, our value becomes a hundred (increased by 90 times). When we get one more zero, our value becomes a thousand (increased by 900 times).

If we have good intentions without actions, then it is nearly impossible to know if we are real or fake.

Veda shrutis praise Bhagwan in this way:

जय जय जह्यजामजित दोषगृभीतगुणां

त्वमसि यदात्मना समवरुद्धसमस्तभग: ।

अगजगदोकसामखिलशक्त्यवबोधक ते

क्व‍‍चिदजयात्मना च चरतोऽनुचरेन्निगम: ॥

jaya jaya jahy ajām ajita doṣa-gṛbhīta-guṇāṁ

tvam asi yad ātmanā samavaruddha-samasta-bhagaḥ

aga-jagad-okasām akhila-śakty-avabodhaka te

kvacid ajayātmanā ca carato ’nucaren nigamaḥ

[SB 10.87.14]

Definition: Victory. Victory to You, the unconquerable one! By Your very nature, You are perfectly full in all opulence. You are the energy behind all moving and nonmoving beings. Yet, Vedas can recognize You only when You activate Your external and internal potencies. Therefore, please conquer the eternal power of maya who controls over the nature.

During the destruction of the universe, Bhagwan was in deep sleep. So, Vedas went to Bhagwan and prayed him: “O Lord, please wake up and do some action. Only then is our existence proven right. We described You so well, and yet You keep sleeping. Only when You wake up and do some action will people know that whatever we described about You is absolutely right.”

Thus, Vedas told the Lord, “You may now have to get up from sleep and do some action.”

Similarly, only when we get up and put in some effort will our saintliness be revealed.


  1. Chosathpadi Katha Part 22 (Pad 23, 24).
  2. Chosathpadi Katha Part 24 (Pad 29-32).

Jay jay jay jāmjit dosh-grubhit-gunān – ŚB 10.87.14 (vedabase.io)