11. Becoming a saint is one’s own decision

A saint only lives for kalyan

Bhagwan has created four divisions of human society: Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Sudra. On what basis did Bhagwan create these four divisions? It is based on their past deeds.

चातुर्वर्ण्यं मया सृष्टं

गुणकर्मविभागशः ।

catur-varnyam maya srstam


Definition: I created the four divisions of human society according to the three modes of material nature and the work ascribed to them.

[BG 4.13]

Then on what basis are these four lifestyles created: Brahmachari, Grihasta, Vanaprasta, Sanyasi. It is not based on past deeds but is based on the intensity of the desire for kalyan.

It is difficult to be born as a human. A soul is awarded a human body based on his past record of good deeds. However, the decision to acquire saintly qualities is not based on his past deeds.

There is a misconception that one who has done many good deeds in his past lives will become a saint while one who has not committed as many good deeds will become a householder. However, this is not the case.

Becoming a saint is one’s own decision

Brahmachari stage of life is an early stage. At this point, he is only studying scriptures and he does not fully understand what kalyan really is.

When a person becomes an adult, he decides on how he wants to live his life. If he feels like he wants to fulfill his worldly desires and doesn’t have a burning desire for kalyan, then he becomes a householder.

If his only desire is to achieve freedom from these worldly bondages and to achieve the ultimate kalyan, and if he understands that leading a family life would not help him achieve that, then he becomes a saint.

Thus, whether one becomes a saint or a householder is not determined by his past actions but is determined by the hunger of that person to achieve kalyan.

When one becomes a householder, he continually goes through ups and downs and suffers the pain of repeated blows from worldly life. He may finally become detached from the materialistic world. Most of the time, however, he will still not get tired of worldly desires even after receiving uncountable blows.

A householder is not solely focused on attaining kalyan. Even though he may have some desire to attain kalyan, and even though he worships Bhagwan, he also wants to fulfill his worldly desires. On the other hand, the only goal of the saint lifestyle is to achieve kalyan.

When one becomes a saint, he makes a mutual deal with Bhagwan: “Maharaj, why am I taking up this lifestyle of a saint? Why am I in favor of this lifestyle? I want to become a saint and serve You by giving up every desire for this materialistic world. In turn, You bless me with the ultimate kalyan.”

That is the commitment between a saint and Bhagwan. “I only want to achieve kalyan to my soul and I don’t need anything worldly.”

When a person takes the path of being a saint, he has already sealed his path with a seal that says, “This soul’s life is officially sealed to attain Bhagwan and achieve kalyan.”

If a saint with such a seal on him can’t achieve his kalyan in this lifetime, there could be no other reason other than his fakeness.

Once a saint achieves his kalyan, he will be eligible to be part of the society of liberated souls.

If a soul sincerely serves Bhagwan without any worldly desires and lives a saintly life, he will be honored and respected by other liberated souls while he is alive. At the end of his life, once he gets liberated, all the liberated souls would receive him with respect and honor, hailing, “Wonderful. Praise this soul who has won over the illusionary world.”

As he begins to ascend to Akshardham—the divine abode of Bhagwan—he will be honored with flowers and garlands by demigods and liberated souls all through the way.

When he finally reaches the divine abode of Bhagwan, Bhagwan asks him, “Who are you?”

He replies, “Brahmaham Krushna dasosmi—I am Brahm, and I am your servant, Maharaj.”

Then Bhagwan makes the soul sit on His lap and keeps His hand on his head.

When Bhagwan keeps His hand on his head, the soul is now a certified liberated soul and is now part of the society of liberated souls.


  1. Chosathpadi Katha Part 07 (Pad 07).

cātur-varṇyaṁ mayā sṛṣṭaṁ – Bg. 4.13 (vedabase.io)