03. A true saint makes sure Bhagwan never leaves his heart

Bhagwan never leaves the heart of a true saint, not even for a fraction of a second, and not even for the time taken by the eyelids to close and open. Even if Bhagwan wanted to, He can’t leave the heart of a true saint.

We can see that through an incident in the life of Surdasji.

One day, when Surdasji was blind and old, he forgot the way to his home and was struggling to find a way.

A boy came to him and asked, “Babaji, where are you going?”

Surdasji replied, “Boy, I’m lost and I’m in deep trouble.”

“Babaji, but first tell me, where are you going,” replied the boy.

Surdasji realized something unique about this boy’s tone of voice which was not human.

Surdasji replied, “I forgot my way home.”

“Come on. I will take you home,” said the boy.

The boy then took a stick and had Surdasji hold one end while he held the other end.

“I will hold the other end while you follow me, Okay? I will take you home.”

The boy started walking toward Surdasji’s home while Surdasji followed him.

Surdasji confidently knew that this boy was not human but someone else. To find out, Surdasji began to slowly move his hand up the stick and toward the boy’s hand.

When Surdasji’s hand was very close to the boy’s hand, he let go of the stick and tried to grab the boy’s hand.

The boy, realizing that Surdasji was trying to grab him, just escaped and ran away.

Surdasji realized who it was and sang,

baanh chhudake jaat ho, nirbal jani mohi,

hriday chhudake jaye, to marad bakhanu tohi.

Definition: You may have escaped from me physically, but if you dare to leave my heart, then I can confidently say that you are the butter thief Kanaiya (Krishna).

Thus, the one who has the capability of making sure Bhagwan never leaves him is a true saint.

The measure of saintliness

Saintliness is not about how magical one is. Performing magical acts is not the measure of saintliness. In fact, it might cause one to go down the wrong path. It also doesn’t mean that all people who can do magical things are fake.

When that flawless Bhagwan enters our heart, how much of our lust, anger, miser, infatuation has gone away forever? That is the measure of saintliness. The more we distanced ourselves from lust, anger, hate, ego, etc., the more we became the home of Bhagwan.

Bhagwan sang the entire Bhagwat Gita to get rid of infatuation. When we drive away infatuation from us, we become the home of Bhagwan.

If we ask any saint whether he is a true saint or a fake saint, he will reply that he is a true saint.

If we ask that saint if Bhagwan is present at all in his heart, he will reply that Bhagwan is always residing in his heart.

Would any saint say that Bhagwan is not present in his heart?

Even if Bhagwan is not completely residing in a saint’s heart, to get food and other necessities, he will still say that his heart is completely occupied by Bhagwan.

If he says the truth about Bhagwan not constantly residing in him, people will think he is not a true saint and will not offer food or other necessities. People think that there is no reason to feed him if he is not a true saint.

Everyone wants Bhagwan to reside in their heart. But the measuring scale of Bhagwan residing in a soul is, the lesser the bad qualities like lust, anger, misery, hate, ego, etc., he has, the more the Bhagwan resides in him.

Internal enemies cannot reside at the place of Bhagwan’s residence

How can we know if Bhagwan has made our heart His home or not? By knowing how many internal enemies have disappeared from our heart.

What is the difference between the sun and the moon?

The sun and the moon are complete opposites of each other. The moon is the friend of darkness. The sun is the enemy of darkness.

When is the moon most valued? The moon is most valued on dark nights. In the day, even if we can see the moon sometimes, we don’t value the moon. Is there anything great about the moon during the day? No. Thus the moon is most valued in the dark.

Can the moon say “If darkness is present, then I am not present?” No. The moon is most valued only in the dark.

On the other side, the sun has no friendship with darkness. The sun’s view is, “If I am present, darkness is not present. If darkness is present, then I am not present.”

Bhagwan is like the sun. When Bhagwan is present in a person’s heart, there will be no trace of lust, anger, ego, infatuation, miser, etc., in him. That is the indication of Bhagwan’s presence in someone.

When a person says that Bhagwan is constantly residing in his heart while on the other side he is also filled with lust, anger, ego, infatuation, miser, etc., then what should we understand of him?

References: Chosathpadi Katha Part 02 (Pad 02).