S-13 Nishchay Talya Na Talya Nu

Asserted Topics:

Nishchay made by one’s own mind tends to waver easily.

Main Points:

  1. If Nishchay is based on the scriptures (considering the characteristics), it does not waver.
  2. Nishchay made by one’s own mind tends to waver easily.


In this Vachanamrut, Muktanand Swami posed a question: If someone initially has Nishchay (firm faith / Conviction) in Bhagwan but then loses it, did they ever truly have Nishchay? In response, Swayamprakashanand Swami stated that if someone has attained Nishchay regarding their own soul and it is based on the scriptures, then it does not waver. It only wavers if Bhagwan’s actions appear to contradict the scriptures. To this, Maharaj replied, “Has Bhagwan ever done anything that contradicts the scriptures? There is no such act that contradicts the scriptures because the scriptures describe many aspects of Bhagwan, including His omnipotence and limitations. Therefore, no act of Bhagwan is beyond the scriptures.”

The Santo then asked Maharaj, “If that is the case, then why does Nishchay sometimes arise and then fade away? Please explain.” Maharaj responded by saying that there are two types of perceptions: one is Shastriya Pratit (perception based on the scriptures), and the other is Manahkalpit Pratit (perception imagined by the mind). When one examines the avatar and personality of Bhagwan in parallel with the scriptures and perceives excessive human-like traits, it is called Shastriya Pratit. However, if one does not consider the scriptures and forms a high perception of Bhagwan’s personality based on worldly praise, selfishness, or prejudice, it is Manahkalpit Pratit, which does not last long. Maharaj further explained that the scriptures describe the characteristics of Bhagwan and the characteristics of the Sant who reinforces Nishchay. When a devotee comes close to Bhagwan, either by listening to His divine episodes or by directly interacting with Him, a supernatural understanding arises in the devotee’s heart, leading them to think, “This is indeed Bhagwan.” The scriptures then further strengthen this Nishchay. This mutual reinforcement between the mind’s conviction and the scriptural perception makes one’s Nishchay firm.

When circumstances arise that threaten to destroy this Nishchay, the scriptures protect it. Even if there is contradictory behavior, the scriptures remind the devotee of Bhagwan’s divinity, preventing the Nishchay from being destroyed. On the other hand, when Nishchay is based on Manahkalpit Pratit, there is nothing to prevent it from being overturned. The mind, which initially made the Nishchay, itself breaks it. Therefore, the only true perception is the one aligned with the scriptures. As Vyasji stated in the Vyasa Sutra, “शास्त्रयोनित्वात्” (Shāstrayonitvāt), – Brahma Sutra 1.1.3, meaning that the true measure of Paramatma’s personality can only be found in the scriptures. Hence, Nishchay that is not based on the scriptures is merely a mental projection and should not be trusted. Understanding the scriptures can only be achieved through true Santo. Therefore, even to recognize a Sant, one should cultivate sentiments in the heart in accordance with the scriptures.

Maharaj further stated that even in worldly relationships such as mother, sister, daughter, and wife, decisions and behaviors are guided by the scriptures. Those who have not read the scriptures still follow the essence of the scriptures through tradition. Therefore, knowledge of the scriptures is essential for knowing Bhagwan. If one does not have knowledge of the Sanskrit scriptures, then even the Prakrit scriptures like the Vachanamrut, Shikshapatri, Niskulanand Kavya, Harililamrut, etc., which are translations of Sanskrit, are helpful. Without scriptural study, one is bound to fall into ignorance and mental delusion. This is why Maharaj instructed in the Shikshapatri to study Sanskrit and Prakrit scriptures according to one’s intellect. The old Santo and devotees, even if uneducated, were well-versed and diligent in listening to and studying the sacred texts through the discourses of true Santo. Maharaj declared that only those who have unwavering faith in the true scriptures have steadfast Nishchay, and only they attain spiritual welfare. Such individuals never deviate from Dharma at any time.