Asserted Topics:
Ways for a devotee of Bhagwan to retain Ekantik dharma (single-minded devotion) even in adverse circumstances of time and place.
Key Points:
To maintain Ekantik dharma, one must:
- Hold steadfast nishtha (faith) with an understanding of Bhagwan’s greatness.
- Foster deep priti (affection) for Bhagwan’s devotees.
- Develop aruchi (disinterest) toward non-devotees.
- Avoid praying for the preservation of the body.
- Immerse oneself wholeheartedly in Bhagwan’s bhakti (devotion).
In this Vachanamrut, Shreeji Maharaj illustrates, through His own example, how a devotee can sustain Ekantik dharma even in challenging conditions. One who possesses the four pillars—Dharma (moral integrity), Gnan (knowledge), Vairagya (non-attachment), and Bhakti (devotion)—is called Ekantik. Such a devotee also attains liberation. However, the state of the physical body does not remain constant. It is subject to the influence of past karm (actions). Consequently, the body may sometimes be healthy and other times sick. It may remain independent at times and dependent on external forces at others.
In certain scenarios, when one is constrained by governance or the senses, it might become impossible to reside among Santo (saints) or adhere to the norms of Satsang (holy fellowship). The full observance of Dharm and the nine forms of devotion may also become unattainable. Under such circumstances, Shreeji Maharaj posed the question: “How can a devotee retain Ekantik dharma?”
When none of the Santo could provide a satisfactory response, Shreeji Maharaj explained how He personally retains His Ekantik dharma without any break, irrespective of external circumstances. He described His approach, which reflects His unwavering mindset and conduct.
Teachings of Shreeji Maharaj:
- Understanding Bhagwan’s Greatness: Maharaj explained that His mind does not waver toward worldly wealth or prosperity because He has deeply realized Bhagwan’s immense greatness. He perceives nothing superior to Bhagwan. His mind is so firmly affixed at Bhagwan’s lotus feet that even karm, time, or Maya cannot dislodge it. He finds no interest in worldly pleasures or associations but feels drawn toward renunciation and solitude, such as in forests or mountains.
- Eagerness for Bhagwan’s Remembrance: Maharaj shared that His inclination toward meditation on Bhagwan has remained unchanged since He arranged with Muktanand Swami to retreat into the forest for undisturbed bhakti. Even today, this eagerness persists, unwavering against the forces of time or karm.
- Affection for Bhagwan’s Devotees: Maharaj emphasized His immense priti for devotees of Bhagwan, which is unshaken by destiny or circumstances. Even when disheartened and tempted to leave Satsang, He is pulled back by the collective presence of devotees. This deep bond prevents Him from separating Himself from them.
- Disinterest in Non-Devotees: Maharaj declared that He cannot reside with non-devotees, even if they provide Him with the best conveniences. Their company does not bring Him peace.
- Immersion in Bhagwan’s Devotion: Maharaj described how, during katha-kirtan (spiritual discourses and songs), He becomes so deeply absorbed that He feels as if He might go mad with joy. However, He consciously maintains balance out of consideration for others.
- Acceptance of Bhagwan’s Will: Maharaj asserted that He has resolved to let Bhagwan direct His body as per His will, without complaint or prayer. He finds happiness in aligning with Bhagwan’s wishes, whether they bring joy or suffering. He remains steadfast, refraining from praying for relief even during adversity.
Insights from Maharaj’s Example:
From Shreeji Maharaj’s conduct, it becomes evident that Ekantik dharma has two aspects:
- External Covering: This includes the outward observance of Dharma, Bhakti, and the intensities of Gnan and Vairagya, reflected in one’s actions.
- Inner Core: This comprises unwavering nishtha in Bhagwan, profound affection for His devotees, and the resulting love and dedication toward Bhagwan.
Adverse circumstances primarily affect the external aspect, such as rituals and outward expressions of devotion. However, one’s inner steadfastness (nishtha) and priti for Bhagwan and His devotees remain untouched if cultivated deeply. Maharaj stressed that the true essence of Ekantik dharma lies in this inner steadfastness.
He explained that even if external rituals are disrupted, a devotee with firm faith, love, and determination does not falter in their Ekantik dharma. Maharaj proclaimed: “The seeds of Ekantik dharma are nishtha, priti, and firmness. By safeguarding these, Ekantik dharma remains unbroken, even in adverse circumstances.”.