GF-68 God Forever Resides in the Eight Types of Murtis and in the Sant

Asserted Topics:

God forever resides in the 8 types of Mūrti and His Saints

Key Points:

  1. Anyone who does not believe in the Mūrti and Saints of God do not believe in God also
  2. Anyone who does not have faith in the method will not have faith in the means to complete it as well.


In this Vachanāmrut, Shreeji Māharāj says: “In Samvat 1869 whenever I entered Samādhi, it seemed as though I traveled to Purushottam-puri and resided within the idol of Jagannathji. Through the eyes of that idol, I saw everyone, including the devotion and deceit of the priest. Scriptures also mention that Shukdevji spoke while residing in a tree. Therefore, God or great individuals can observe our devotion and deceit through any form. Hence, one should worship the mūrti (idol) of God given for worship, believing that Shriji Maharaj resides in it. God resides continuously in eight types of mūrti, and they should be respected as if God is present. This faith should be maintained. 

Similarly, respect should be given to the sant. Shriji Maharaj has stated that He continuously resides in the eight types of mūrti and in the sant. ‘Mam ur santan, aru main santan ur, vas karu sthir hoi’—thus, God resides continuously in the sant. Therefore, one should maintain respect and faith. A devotee who does not respect the mūrti and the sant, and considers the mūrti as mere paintings or stones, and the sant as an ordinary person, does not have faith that God resides in the mūrti and the sant. Such a person lacks the fear of God and treats the mūrti and the sant with disrespect. Hence, it can be inferred whether such a person has faith in God or not, in other words does he have devotion or not?

When sants were asked, they replied that such a person does not have faith, and thus does not have devotion towards God. Without faith in the apparent means, one cannot have faith in the transcendental form of God. Ramanujacharya has also stated in the Sri Bhashya,

साक्षात्काररूपा स्मृतिः स्मर्यमाणात्यर्थप्रियत्वेन स्वयमप्यत्यर्थप्रिया ।
sākṣātkārarūpā smṛtiḥ smaryamāṇātyarthapriyathvena svayamapyatyarthapriyā |

A sant (saint) is the first means through which Paramātman (God) can be realized or the means through which firm belief in Him is formed. Faith in Paramātman is instilled by the sant through their pure and extraordinary lives. Subsequently, this faith extends to the mūrti (idol) and then to the worshipful form of Paramātman

It is essential to clarify that in this Vachanamrut, Shriji Maharaj has discussed respecting the mūrti and sant. However, this respect is indicative of faith. In reality, faith and respect are distinct. Respect refers to gross actions, while faith refers to a continuous mental attitude. Sometimes, respect is maintained due to social or institutional obligations, but it is superficial without genuine faith in the heart.

Conversely, sometimes one may not be able to adhere to gross respect due to time or physical limitations, yet their heart may be full of faith. Therefore, the term ‘respect’ here implies genuine faith and belief. The words ‘considering the mūrti as paintings or stones, and the sant as an ordinary person’ refer to a lack of belief and faith. Faith is closely associated with certainty and devotion. The relationship between respect and faith is indirect, with respect more closely related to social duties and traditions.

A question arises as to why such a person remains connected to the sect despite lacking faith and devotion. The answer is that the connection may be due to the institutional routine or other secondary reasons such as livelihood, honor, or dealing with personal weaknesses. Without faith or devotion, such a person does not strive for spiritual progress and does not enjoy it. Thus, Shriji Maharaj states, such a person will not attain salvation. A lack of faith in the mūrti and the sant will lead to disbelief in the transcendental form of God and the divine abode, resulting in doubt about Akshardham and viewing the world through the lens of time, karma, or Maya, without acknowledging Shriji Maharaj as the supreme creator and controller, making one a complete atheist.

Then Maharaj replied: The cause of atheism is kusanga (bad company) and internal enemies. Listening to atheistic scriptures and associating with those who have faith in them are causes of atheism. Additionally, lust, anger, greed, ego, pride, and jealousy are also causes of atheism. If even one of these vices is present, then no matter how great saints like Narad or Sanakadik speak, or even if God Himself speaks, one will not believe. Especially after joining satsanga (holy fellowship), one’s internal weaknesses become the main causes of atheism. Before joining satsanga, listening to atheistic scriptures and associating with atheists are the causes of atheism, but after joining satsanga, internal enemies become the main causes of atheism.

When one’s weaknesses are not nurtured or fulfilled, atheism immediately arises. This being loves their weaknesses more than God. Otherwise, why would they preserve their weaknesses against God and the sant?

Now, when does this atheism go away? By repeatedly contemplating that God is the creator and controller of the universe, and that God Shriji Maharaj is the supreme being. By listening with faith to the divine acts of God in scriptures like the Bhagavat, and understanding the glory of Paramātman, atheism will be eradicated.