GF-58 The Body, Kusang and Past Sanskars; One Becomes like One Perceives the Great

Asserted Topics:

 What are the factors that disturb the hearts of devotees?

Key Points:

  1. The factors that disturb the heart of devotees of bhagwan are the body, kusang, and past sanskars.
  2. Past sanskars are very difficult to eradicate.
  3. Past negative sanskars are eradicated through the blessings of a divine saint


In this Vachanāmrut, by the inspiration of Māharāj, Muktanand swāmi asked a question: O Māharāj! When a devotee of bhagwan engages in remembrance of bhagwan, how can the forces of nature (Three modes of nature-Maya: Sattva, Rajas, Tamas) can be overcome in his heart? Thereafter Shreeji Māharāj responded: The reasons behind those nature are the body, kusang and past sanskar. Nature generated by the body can be eradicated through introspection of soul and non-soul (everything except soul – Maya). Nature generated by kusang can be eradicated through satsang with saints. If it still persists then the reason is due to severe past sanskar which is difficult to eradicate.

In the 55th vachanamrut of gadhada first chapter also, Maharaj has discussed similar to present vachanamrut. There is also a question from Muktanand swami: why does Jiva not have consistency in the assertiveness of vartaman? Three reasons were shown. Following bad places and time breaks assertiveness. Here that factor has been taken as a kusang. Past-sanskar has been shown at both places. There showing excellent assertiveness, self-effort is mentioned. Here, instead of it, satsang has been shown. There, parameters, breaking assertiveness, have also been kept in target. The difference in the present vachanamrut is the concentration in mediation and bhajan, which is the target of discussion.

Here, Maharaj said, the first reason for the conduction of rajas and tamas nature is the body. Nobody has been happy till they are subdued by nature. Dehbhav doesn’t let anyone live happily and get satisfaction. Sad. Gopalanand swami mentions in his vato (spiritual talks – Vato) : Once Muktanand swami asked maharaj, O Maharaj! How to become happy forever? Then Maharaj asked a counter question, are you asking about a devotee who lives with dehbhav or one who lives with aatmabhav? one lives with aatmabhav, he is happy despite sitting in the forest. While one who lives with dehbhav, he is unhappy despite keeping my lotus feets on his heart. Therefore, the first factor is the body which interrupts. 

Maharaj says that the rajas and tamas nature generated from the body are removed by thoughts of the soul. Nature that has generated from kusang is removed by satsang. Despite having a good past sanskar and absence of dehbhav, if one gets attached with kusang then, because of that attachment, the nature of kusang immediately affects the conscience of a devotee. If one gets deep attachment from heart in bhagwan and saints, bad sanskar, bad actions, and bad thoughts gets stunned by that attachment. Bad thoughts get stunned as much as deep attachment is there similar to milk-water.  

Third factor is past sanskar. It generates rajas and tamas nature more intentionally. Maharaj says, It can not be destroyed easily. It requires the service and blessings of saints. If it happens, it can purify the conscience. Mahraj even says, if saints are happy on Jiva, it can make him king from beggar, bad doom in good, and destroy the most intense grief. 

Now the question is how do saints become happy? Maharaj replies: first is to behave with them naively. We must present ourselves as we are. Not showing all those things that are not present in ourselves for example, virtues and spirit, and not showing our defects to saints etc., are deceptions. Thus, we must present ourselves as we are. It is also not necessary to pretend to be weak despite having virtues. Presenting egolessly is necessary, but hiding virtues is not. Santos can use our virtues to serve bhagwan if they are aware about it; thus, being naive is necessary. If there are defects, they can help to remove them. 

Secondly, Maharaj said to abandon lust, anger etc. 

Here the question is, do saints please when vices are abandoned or vice versa? Here Maharaj says, ‘to abandon’ which means saints inspire to abandon vices and also shows the solution if one has faith and desire to work for it. They only show solutions that are possible for us to act on. Once vices are removed they become happy. Thus, both the aspirants of salvation and shameless insolvent accept their defects. Desire for salvation requires efforts apart from acceptance. 

Thirdly, Maharaj says, saints become happy those who behave like a slave and bow down to all and try to leave ego by heart. This can also remove hurdles generated from past sanskar. Here one point to think on is, in this kaliyuga, sometimes aspirants of salvation feel perplexed when saints do not become happy due to absence of personal benefit despite abandoning vices and being like a slave. However, saints become happy when all three things are taken as neutral. They are selfless and if they do not be happy then Maharaj will definitely be. Aspirants of salvation do not need to be disappointed. Santos definitely become happy with their spirit. It is said…

अपांनिधिं वारिभिरर्चयन्ति दीपेन सूर्यं प्रतिबोधयन्ति । 

ताभ्यां तयोः किं परिपूर्णता स्यात् भक्त्या हि तुष्यन्ति महानुभावाः ।।       

An ocean can be worshipped by offering water. Sun can be worshipped by offering a lamp. There is no shortage of those offerings, however, offering is considered as a devotion which makes them happy. 

Then Mahanubhavanand swami asked: what is the solution to destroy all vices and increase devotion day by day in satsang? Then Maharaj said: if one takes virtues from all great saints, he becomes pure and devotion gets increased and becomes a true devotee. The characteristics of a pure devotee are, all objects of five senses are painful to him, strong fidelity in bhagwan and becomes slave of the slave of bhagwan.