GF-50 Who can be called persons of sharp intelligence?

Asserted Topics:

Distinction of intellect and its sharpness.

Key Points:

Sharpness of intellect is only true if one gets insight into the path of salvation. 


This Vachanāmrut is about the sharp intellect. Shreeji Māharāj says that one who has a sharp intellect, attains the Brahma (Bhagavan or Paramatma). ‘दृश्यते त्वग्रया बुद्धया सूक्ष्मया सूक्ष्मदर्शिभिः’ (कठोप. १:३:११) it is said in kathopanishad. Do those who know a lot about worldly affairs considered to have sharp intellect or do those who know a lot about the Holy Scriptures considered having sharp intellect? 

The saints could not answer. Then Shreeji Māharāj replied, there are many people who are brilliant in worldly affairs but never take care of their own salvation. On the other hand, there are many people who know the meanings of holy scriptures very well but do not take care of their own salvation. There are also many others who are well proficient in politics and earning money but they still do not take care of their own salvation, thus they are not considered to possess a sharp intellect. In fact, they are considered as having a thick intellect (less intelligent). 

What is sharp intellect?

बुद्धिस्तात्कालिकी ज्ञेया मतिरागामीगोचरा ।
प्रज्ञां नवोन्मेषशालिनी प्रतिभां विदुः ||


शुश्रूषा श्रवणं चैव ग्रहणं धारणं तथा |
उहापोहोडर्थ विज्ञानं च धीर्गुणाः ||


श्रोतुं – इच्छा शुश्रूषा, श्रवणं- आकर्णनं, ग्रहणं – शास्त्रार्थ उपादानं,
धारणं-अधीतस्य अविस्मरणं, उहः – पूर्वपक्षः, अपोहः – समाहृतस्य उपरि
ध्यानं, तत्वज्ञानं – परमार्थ स्वरूपं इति धीः गुणाः ।

As per these shlokas and many others from different holy scriptures, a person with sharp intellect, possesses the power to find immediate solutions and find new innovative solutions etc.  

If the eyes open and solution is seen after suffering a casualty, it is called one having a blunt intellect.  

If one realises the bad outcomes of ongoing work and improves it, it is called one having a moderate intellect. 

If one identifies the outcomes of work before starting by mental imagination, it is called one having a sharp intelligence. 

If one wants to start a business, there are specific courses for example M.B.A. etc. There are experts in that field. They first analyse the situations in the past and at present then derive the measurement of the future, then they do the business. Thus, they get success. If there are proficient experts, who analyse the business situation of the next two years, twenty years or even hundred years start preparation at present, they can be called a sharp intellect person. 

Maharaj says that, unlike experts in business who measure the situation of the market whether it will go up or down, people do not think about the future of their soul and where it will go. Though there are such wise people, they do not think about their soul whether it will go up or down after death. Means, they do not think about what will happen after death whether i will be born in animal species, deity in heaven or will go to divine abode. Therefore, it is only a thick intellect if one does not think about salvation and only thinks about worldly affairs. 

In this world, who can see the longer future, he is considered more intellect. Similarly, if one thinks about long future, disadvantage-advantage of after death then Maharaj says he has a sharp intellect. ‘निःशेषकल्याणपर्यालोचनी बुद्धिः कुशाग्रा’ Intelligence of intellect is its capacity of discussion or debate. And it can be increased by practice. Like one can make a weak body stronger by practice, similarly one can increase the capacity of intellect by practice. 

Second point is the purification of intellect. With the blessings of bhagavan, guru (spiritual master) or elders, intellect can be purified. Because of that, the discussion power about the salvation subject increases. How can I achieve salvation? One gets the path of salvation. That can be achieved with blessings of the above mentioned dignitaries. By practice of intellect, one only gets the ability of understanding the meanings of holy scriptures and worldly affairs but not salvation intellect. Because both are different. 

In the practical path, becoming farsighted or making meanings of holy scriptures handy, can be achieved by practice. But after death, for the determination of salvation, only blessings of elders can be helpful. With blessings jiva gets power to catch and walk on the path of determination of salvation. Even though one possesses the power to walk in the path of salvation, curse can destroy that. Maharaj said in Vachanamrut : many are wise and can find faults in intelligent people yet why do not they walk on the path of salvation? While many are not very wise but they walk on the path of salvation, what is the reason? In the reply Maharaj replied that one has been cursed by someone. He has hurted either poor people, parents, guru or true devotee then his spirit becomes worthless. Therefore, the blessings of saints-devotees are medicine for salvation. It brings the sharpness in intellect that Maharaj mentioned.