GF-22 Singing without Remembering God is as good as Not Singing at All

Asserted Topics:

One should remember the Murti of God while singing Kirtans accompanied with musical instruments.

Key Points:

Organise in such a way that Music helps in Bhakti


Māharāj says in this Vachanāmrut that, ‘While singing devotional songs with the accompaniment of various musical instruments like Mr̥udaṅga, Sāraṅgī, Sarōda, and tāl, if we forget God, our singing is as like as no singing. Playing musical instruments, while singing Kirtans, draws concentration of mind towards God, this is the purpose of playing musical instruments. Modern psychologists have proved that relative music helps in all mental activities. The mind can concentrate more with the help of music. With the same effort, the mind becomes less tired in accompaniment of music and more tired without accompaniment of music.

Furthermore, mental work can work faster if accompanied by music. Work which can take 30 minutes to complete can be completed in far quicker time with music. Thinking about the benefits of music, our great Sages who are composers of scriptures have added music in Bhakti as well and have indicated it as an important tool in practising Bhakti.

Music has its own sweetness and its very nature is to help in Bhakti-ras (intrest in devotion). If music spreads its own influence instead of being helpful to Bhakti-ras, it becomes the cause of destroying Bhakti-ras. Unless music becomes helpful to Bhakti (devotion), just by music alone the soul cannot get peace of the heart. Peace and happiness do not come from music, but comes by engaging mind in the Murti of God. Māharāj says in this Vachanāmrut that, “By forgetting God,, many people in this world sing songs and play musical instruments but such people do not get peace of mind. Hence, one should sing devotional songs, recite His names, or chant the names of Nārāyan with his divine image in mind.”

Furthermore, Māharāj also says that “Moreover if we remember God while singing devotional songs and forget Him while doing other activities, then our mind will not remain fixed on the divine form of God even while singing devotional songs.” If one makes the habit or practice to harbour materialistic thoughts during action/activities other than devotional, through habit and practice materialistic thoughts automatically arises in the mind when they sit to do Bhajan as well.Therefore, Māharāj says that “We must always try to fix our mind on the divine image (divine form) of God while eating, drinking, moving, walking and doing everything. Only then we will be able to keep our mind steady while singing devotional songs. And once our mind becomes steady in the divine image of God, it will remain steady even while doing our usual activities. And one who becomes careless in this matter will not be able to fix their mind on God while singing devotional songs also. Hence a devotee of God must always be vigilant and try to keep their mind fixed on the divine image of God constantly.”

-Swaminarayan Chintan