GF-15 Not Becoming Discouraged In Dhyan

Asserted Topics:

The characteristics of that heart are filled with devotion.

Key Points:

The characteristics of that heart filled with true devotion or Ekāntiktā


In this Vachnāmrut, Shreeji Maharaj says that one whose heart is full of devotion towards God, always thinks that they should do whatever God and His Santos tell them to do. Such a devotee is said to be a brave devotee. A brave devotee will never think that they will be able to do this much only and will not be able to do other things. They are always brave in holding the divine Murti (form) of God in their hearts and are not discouraged by obstacles.

Here Maharaj conveys two things; firstly, the characteristics of a person who is awakened internally to perform Bhakti (devotion), and secondly, the firmness in their faith and willingness to follow the words of God and His saints. When a person has complete and unshakeable faith will understand what this means. It does not matter if that person immerses themselves in social affairs, they will remain steadfast in their values. It can be seen in this world that when men and women are in a relationship with each other they are always eager to meet each other. In this case it is the path of God. Therefore, this is the symbol of true devotion. Simply turning mālās (rosaries) or wearing religious markings are not the defining factors of Bhakti.

This is a true recognition. Due to situations a devoted person may not outwardly show it, but they are always too ready to obey the commands at the cost of life.

Next, do not be a coward in holding the image of God within the heart. To be discouraged is once a weakness; Those who do not let obstacles get in the way and remain vigilant demonstrate unwavering faith. Furthermore, the power of true devotion is that it allows one to recognize the true form of the divine Murti of God.  If the recognition or an understanding of the glory of God is not present, then it is natural to start having cowardly feelings come in. One, who has true devotion in the heart, will be discouraged by their devotion from faltering in their path. Then Maharaj says that when a devotee tries to hold the divine image of God firmly in their hearts and never loses patience even if five, ten, fifteen, twenty-five or even one hundred years pass in doing so, this is due to the firmness in their devotion. Bhakti has softness and on the other side it also has the firmness in identification of God which is a requirement also.What is Ekāntik? Sadguru Gunātitānandji Swami says that Āgna and Upāsana are the wings of Ekāntik. Similar to how birds need wings to fly in the sky to become Ekāntik Āgna-Upasana are required. This is presented with many aspects in Vachanāmrut. This is the main Seed. The āgna (commands) and upāsana of Maharaj  are the two wings of Ekāntik. There is no progress without this. Similarly without these two, one cannot progress in being Ekāntik. It is why this discourse says that when a person has unshakeable faith in the words of God and His saints and never becomes discouraged in holding His Murti in their hearts is called an Ekāntik (a single-minded devotee).

-Swaminarayan Chintan