23. Thought process decides Saintliness

Quality of forgiveness

If you can bear anything bad that occurred to you because of others, then you possess the quality of forgiveness. Earth bears so much even if it is drilled and squeezed for resources. Thus, the Earth possess the quality of forgiveness.

If someone insults us what would we do? We would counterattack immediately. A real Saint (or devotee) does not do that. A Saint (or devotee) bears so much. If he can’t bear to take bad things about himself, he can’t be called a Saint (or devotee). A Saint (or devotee) must possess the quality of forgiveness. God resides in the heart of such a Saint (or devotee) because God likes the conscience that forgives.

God is pleased with forgiveness. God helps only those who possess forgiveness.

God and devotee fight to make each other happy

A devotee always thinks, “I should use my body, my qualities, my possessions to please God.”

A devotee approaches God neither to ask something nor to be happy. A devotee approaches God to make God happy.

What does the love of Gopijis mean? The happiness of the lover is the happiness of the beloved. If we think of others happiness, it is called devotion. If we think of our own happiness, it is called business.

If we light an oil-lamp for God and ask for a ton of oil in return, is it called business or devotion?

A devotee always thinks to increase the name and fame of Maharaj and always think that Maharaj should be happy.

A devotee thinks that even by sparing his life he should keep up the name of Maharaj.

Maharaj in turn thinks that He should do something for the sake of His devotee.

A devotee’s nature is to always make Maharaj happy. Maharaj’s nature is to always make His devotee happy. They always have a tough fight with each other to make the other happy. God and devotee always compete with each other to check who could really make the other happier.

Where does Maharaj like to stay?

Nishkulanand Swami says that the one who has pure knowledge of Maharaj’s Murti and who always experiences Maharaj’s Murti is said to be a real Saint (or devotee) who has mastered the Murti of Maharaj.

There is no one greater in this world than a Saint (or devotee) who always holds the Murti of Maharaj without a break. His sinless and pure conscience is the most comfortable place for Maharaj’s permanent stay. Maharaj resides there happily.

The place of Maharaj’s stay i.e. the devotee’s conscience should be very clean. He should be extremely forgiving and extremely pure and clean. He should have extremely selfless conscience. Otherwise Maharaj wouldn’t stay. Maharaj doesn’t stay in any other place other than a Saint (or devotee) with pure conscience.

Pleasant smell resides naturally in sandalwood. Sweet juice is naturally filled in a sugarcane. Similarly, Maharaj naturally resides in the Saint’s and devotee’s pure conscience by making it His permanent home.

Maharaj’s natural taste is to stay in the pure conscience of a devotee. Maharaj stays in their heart and gives them immense pleasure.

An impure soul cannot take the pleasure of Maharaj. Even if Maharaj wishes, an impure soul cannot take the pleasure of Maharaj. The impure soul always wishes to take the pleasure of the world. He can’t take pleasure from the Murti of God.

What is the essence of everything?

As per Nishkulanand Swami if we achieve Vairagya, Bhakti, Dharma, Gnan, Saint, and God, then we have achieved the essence of everything.

To become a Saint (or devotee) is the essence. Changing clothes is not the essence.

Only a real Saint (or devotee) could enjoy the Murti of God, Satsang, and prayers of God. He alone knows the real taste of them. Non-devotees can’t know its taste. It tastes bitter for them.

We should be like the sun

There is a difference between sun and moon. Sun is bright and is the enemy of darkness. Moon is also bright. But moon is not the enemy of darkness but a dear friend of darkness. Moon shines bright only in darkness. Would it shine during the day? No.

Sun says, “If I am present, there is no darkness. If there is darkness, then I would not be there.”

Is moon so? Can moon say that “If there is darkness, I can’t be there?” Moon shines only in darkness. It would stay only in darkness. We could enjoy it only in darkness.

Thus, the nature of sun and moon are different.

Moon would say to darkness, “I would do my work, and you do your work. We are happy together.”

Moon would only be praised in complete darkness. Nobody cares for the moon when darkness leaves.

Sun doesn’t mind if someone cares for it or not.

Many devotees are similar to moon. They like God and Saints but they are also dear friends with darkest worldly life.

We should be like the sun. We should be the enemy of worldly relations and things. We should not become friends with worldly people and things. We should not think like this with worldly people: “You do your work, and I do my work. And we stay together happily.” We should discard them at once.

References :
Sarsiddhi Katha Part 23