22. What is real knowledge?

Barometer of knowledge

The greatest blessings of Maharaj are the divine words of Maharaj. Among all the people in this world, think of how many people got the opportunity to come across the divine words of Maharaj? It is very rare someone would get such an opportunity. We are so blessed in this life that we have received it.

As the divine words of Maharaj is difficult to get, it is very difficult to get Darshan of Maharaj.

If you had Darshan of Maharaj doesn’t mean that you achieved everything. Once you step out of the temple door, how much of Maharaj do you remember?

How many times you had the Darshan of Maharaj is not important. How much of every glimpse of Maharaj you remember actually matters.

How much we remember Maharaj is the barometer of our knowledge. We are in short of knowledge to an extent we forget Maharaj.

The process of knowledge

Why do we give scriptural references? “Gita said this…” “Bible says that…” “Quran mentions that…” Most of the times we remember them to suppress others, shut others, and to show off. We enjoy doing that. Is that called knowledge?

A knowledgeable person is he who would never forget the Murti of Lord Hari.

God is difficult to achieve. Similarly, God’s Darshan is difficult to achieve. Why is it difficult? Because we have it before us and then lose it.

Gopis said that “from the moment we were blessed to touch your feet, all the sense objects have become poison to us.”

We should have direct Darshan of Maharaj and should remember in our heart as it is and safeguard it inside us. Once you do that you have achieved everything. The person who does that is the most knowledgeable person.

In general, who is called a knowledgeable person? Whoever knows something is called knowledgeable person. If we know the Murti of God and hold it within us, that is the real fruit of knowledge. All other things are not the real fruit of knowledge.

Any activity has two parts: The process of the activity, and the results (fruits) of that activity. The activity of knowledge too has its own process and fruits.

What is the process of knowledge? Imagination and filtration are the process of knowledge. What is the duty of imagination and filtration? Separating good and bad things, right and wrong things, like and unlike things from our perspective, and keeping the right things, good things, likable things within us is the duty of imagination and filtration.

The knowledge doesn’t happen by itself. We have to go through the imagination and filtration to decides how much of it should be taken inside and how much of it should be discarded.

If someone shows you a bird and asks you, “Is this a peacock or a pigeon?” First you would imagine peacock, and pigeon, and compare it with what you see. Then you would answer with the bird that matched your imagination. That is called realization.

Similarly, remembering Murti of God doesn’t happen by itself. You can’t hold the Murti of God just by seeing. We should hold it with the technique of proper imagination and filtration. First it should be consumed by you. And then you should filter what you want to remember and what you don’t want to remember. Then you should constantly remember those Murtis of God that you decided to remember.

Holding the Murti of Maharaj without a break is called real knowledge.

Qualities of a knowledgeable person

Nishkulanand Swami says that, “The one who has real knowledge of the Murti of Maharaj and the one who has held the Murti of Maharaj within him is intelligent.”

From that perspective, Gopalanand Swami and Gunatitanand Swami are the most knowledgeable and intelligent. They are not knowledgeable because they deliver powerful discourses in great gatherings. They are knowledgeable because they don’t leave the Murti of Maharaj in any situation.

Knowledgeable persons have two key qualities. Their first quality is that if they talk, they only talk about God and they are never tired in talking about God. The other quality is that they are always silent. They don’t talk anything by leaving the Murti of God. They fear that they might lose the Murti of God if they utter any word.

Maharaj said that, “It is My order that you participate in discourses. It is not My order that you remember other things while holding Murti of God.”

Holding the Murti of God within us is the real knowledge. All other knowledge that the world considers as knowledge is nonsense and is a disease.

The power to hold the Murti of God within us is called Gnan-Shakti – Power of Knowledge. If you can’t hold the Murti of God, you don’t have the power of knowledge.

The world thinks that those who quote from as many scriptures as possible is the most knowledgeable. Nishkulanand Swami proves it wrong. Swami says that the one who doesn’t remember Maharaj’s Murti but quotes from many scriptures is the most foolish person.

Essence of everything is the Murti of Maharaj

Holding Maharaj’s Murti doesn’t mean to hang the Murtis of God all around you. It means to hold the God in your soul.

Essence of everything is the Murti of Maharaj. As per Nishkulanand Swami, the one who utilizes his mind, consciousness, and concentration in holding the Murti of Maharaj, and doesn’t focus anywhere other than Murti of Maharaj is the most intelligent devotee of God.

The devotee of God is always with the Murti of God without a break. He thinks it is the most valuable earning. He doesn’t negotiate it for other cheaper things. He always thinks of each part of the Murti of God like a fish always swimming in a lake of clean water. He enjoys doing it. He doesn’t leave the Murti of God even for a moment.

When we are with the Murti of God every moment, we enjoy new pleasures of Maharaj every moment.

As per Nishkulanand Swami you are the most intelligent if you have not left any part of the Murti of Maharaj without meditating and realizing it.

Sarsiddhi Katha Part 22