31. Maharaj Takes Care At The End

At the time of death of this physical body, we leave this body and get a new body depending on what we remember at that time. Like how we remove the old dress and wear a new dress based on our choice. Liberated souls reach God as they remember God at the time of death. If he doesn’t get qualified to go to God, he goes to place that he remembers at the time of death.

Bharatji was the son of Lord Rushabdev, and King of the complete earth. He left his kingdom and went to forest to perform single minded devotion to Lord. His devotion was so strong that he forgot everything else. He forgot if it was day or night. By the influence of destiny, a baby-deer stayed with him and he got so much attached to that deer forgetting devotional services. At the time of his death, he remembered the baby-deer, and he had to take the birth of a baby-deer.

Because of his intense devotional service, he remembered that he was the King of the earth, and that he went to forest leaving aside the pleasure of kingdom and family, with the only purpose of pleasing God and attaining Him, and how he got attached to a baby-deer for which he is a deer in this life. He repented intensely about his one single mistake that caused the present life. And then he (in the form of baby-deer) walked to a nearby Rushi-muni Ashram and sat near an Yagna-kund without drinking water or eating anything for lifetime. Being so, he left the deer-body. In next life, he was born in a pious Brahmin family with name Jada-Bharat. In that life he made sure he never repeated that mistake again.

That proves that the intense thoughts at the end of our present life manifests into next life.

In Ramayana, it is mentioned that it is very tough at the time of death. We lose all our senses. We lose our intelligence, and so we don’t know what is right and wrong. Both devotees, and non-devotees become unconscious at that time. At the time of death, all the deep desires come up, and stand in a queue sorted by the intensity of each desire. Whatever desires was intense in mind, comes out with force, and it decides the next life of the soul.

What happens to the devotees of God? There is no problem to the devotees. Because of all the devotional services in devotee’s life, God in turn remembers him, and takes care of him.

Sri Krishna Bhagwan has said that if someone does devotional service to God, that service never gets wasted. He never forgets what someone has done to Him or His devotees. His basic nature is such that even for an atomic favor to Him or His devotees, he returns back a heap of benefits.

When Lord Krishna’s finger was cut, Draupadiji cut her saree and tied Krishna’s finger. Krishna counted the number of threads in that piece. When Draupadiji was in trouble, he sent those many sarees as the number of the threads. And Lord Krishna said that it was only interest and not the principal. He asked for any other wish she has for that favor she did to Him.

Sudama offered only three handful of broken-rice to Lord Krishna. In turn Krishna made Sudama as rich as Indra, and his palace more opulent than Indralok. No one can match what God can match. That is why God is called Rūnchod as He doesn’t keep favors (Rūn) done to Him and His devotees. People made that name as Ranchod saying that Lord ran away from the war.

He doesn’t keep your favors done to Him and His devotees. He will come and take you even if you don’t remember God.

Kuntaji told Lord Krishna, “Hey Krishna, let us come to a deal.”

Krishna asked, “What is that?”

“I will remember you my whole life. But at the time of death, you should remember me even if I am not in a situation to remember you. Deal?”

Lord Krishna said, “For sure.”

Whether Kuntaji made the deal or not, Lord is going to remember his devotees at the time of their death. That is the rule of God as he doesn’t keep any favors by his very nature.

Shruti Prakash Swami asked a question, “Swami, if Bharatji did so much devotional services but could not remember God at the end. How come he was born again as baby-deer, and not taken care by God?”

There is a subtle catch here. At the end of life, if a devotee remembers God, he will go to God. If he doesn’t remember anything, then God will take care. But if he remembers anything other than God, the soul will take another life to get that desired thing. God doesn’t come to take him. Bharatji’s desire for the baby-deer was highly dominating at the end.

At the time of death, even if you don’t remember God that is fine. If you either remember Maharaj or you don’t remember anything at all, Maharaj is going to take care of you at the end. But if you remember anything else other than Maharaj, then Maharaj is not going to take care even if you are devotee of Maharaj.

18th July 2017: Los Angeles, CA
Vachanamrut Gadhada First 14