30. God Takes Over You If You Give Him A Chance

When Maharaj was going through forests, before entering Gujarat he was passing a village named Polarpur near Bhimnath.

There was a house in the outskirts. Maharaj went and sat on the outside sit-over stone (kind of sofa made of stone.)

The old person of the house came out and said, “Hey Maharaj, go to the public-shelter inside the village. This sit-over stone is ours.”

They might be thinking that they have to feed him, give him water or something etc., if he stays near their home.

Maharaj replied, “I would leave in sometime after doing some bhajan-bhakti.”

The old person replied, “Good,” and went inside.

Then there were many herds of cows and buffalos approaching towards the house and entering the village.

Maharaj stood up and entered into the house.

The old person replied, “I told you to leave. Now you came inside the home?”

Maharaj replied, “There were many cows and buffalos and it might attack me. So, I would be here until the herd is gone.”

Slowly Maharaj went to the inside hall. And then He entered kitchen. Then he asked them to provide something to eat.

It is the same process inside us. If we give a little place for Maharaj, he would drive away the rest and own the place.

We should allow Maharaj to enter us. But we have put ‘Do Not Enter’, ‘No Vacancy’ board like how motel owners put down the board if the rooms are filled.

Once we get attached to Maharaj, slowly Maharaj will free all our materialistic attachments. He will not allow any other attachments and works to get you the state of Sidhdh.

In the state of Sidhdh, whatever you see, it will not enter you. You will not see anything other than God. Mirabai, Narsi Mehta, Nand Santo, all householder devotees during Maharaj times, lady devotees like Laduba, Jeevuba. They couldn’t see anything other than God.

Scriptures quote an example, Yashoda Mata had ultimate attachment to Krishna. When she made Roti for Krishna, did she forget Krishna? If she remembers Krishna, wouldn’t the Roti come good? She makes good Roti for Kanaiya and doesn’t forget Kanaiya. When you are so much attached to God, you will be taken care of by God.

Maharaj says that once you get that state of mind, you will see God everywhere. Even if the object is very attractive, charming, enchanting, it will not disturb you. So much attachment to God, a keen relationship with God is called the ultimate good. Once we have such relationship and attachment, then we need not go to God after death. We are already with Him now.

16th July 2017: Los Angeles, CA
Vachanamrut Karyani 7