19. Real Reason Of Worldly Desires Is Kusang

Kakabhai asked a question to Nityanand Swami, “Swami, what is that thing that drives us towards worldly desires, and what is that thing that drives us towards Maharaj?”

Nityanand Swami replied, “The thing that drives us towards worldly desires is our mind. The thing that drives us towards Maharaj is our soul.”

Maharaj replied, “The thing that actually drives us towards worldly desires is Kusang. The thing that actually drives us towards Maharaj is Satsang.”

Is the answer of Nityanand Swami that worldly desires arise from our mind is wrong? The desires arise from our own mind. Nityanand Swami who is well versed in scriptural studies is right. Maharaj ‘s reply is right too.

Maharaj said that the real root for worldly desires is Kusang, and it asks to satisfy the desires through our mind. Mind is just a tool.

The pleasant music from Tabla depends on the one who plays Tabla and his past trainings. Training and previous practices would be the real differentiator as the instrument would be the same.

Mind is just an instrument. When God sent us into this world, He gave us instruments like mind, intelligence, ego, senses, breath, etc. He asked us to use these instruments wisely.

If you sit in a car, will it take you to the place where you are supposed to go? It doesn’t know if you want to go to the pub or to the temple. It depends on who drives it.

If at the same time you had to go to temple and a function, where does your mind vote to go? It depends on your circle. The inside demands are not from mind. The inside demands are from our Kusang.

Kusang has two forms – Internal Kusang and External Kusang. The internal one is very subtle. External one is vast.

Similarly, Satsang has two forms – internal which is subtle and external which is vast and physical.

The internal one is like the blueprint of the external ones like how an engineer gets the blueprint of the home before its construction. The blueprint is the basis for the outer well-constructed home.

So, every soul has Satsang and Kusang inside us. And we have Satsang and Kusang outside of us as well.

Who is responsible for our cycle of birth and death? The Kusang inside us is the culprit for the birth and death cycle. We should weed out the Internal Kusang to get free from birth and death cycle.

Who rooted the Kusang inside us? Parents, family members, and the world rooted Kusang in us. Until the kid get the complete consciousness, parents keep telling …

“You are ours…. You are ours…”

“We are yours… We are yours…”

“These are yours… These are yours…”

They hammered these things on our mind. Parents also means the world around us. The feeling of “Mine and yours” is Kusang which is eternally present with in us.

When we visit temple and meet Saints, they improve our Inner Satsang.

The mind is pure and very powerful, but it is under the influence of Kusang. If powerful technology is in the hands of terrorists, they can carry attacks like the one on the twin towers and damage everything. Even self-realized souls would be influenced by Kusang. Ashwatthama had self-realization but was under the influence of Kusang.

Kusang has influenced our mind and is ruling over it.

If someone is under the influence of Kusang, it is very difficult to come to Satsang. They feel that they are comfortable with Kusang even though he may be a divine soul.

Mind and intelligence doesn’t ask us anything. Kusang takes over control like the terrorist who took the control of the planes.

So, the thing that asks for worldly desires is the Internal Kusang. And that is the reason for our birth and death. External Kusang doesn’t influence us until we go and spend time with it.

What should we do to remove inside Kusang? What to do to improve the inside Satsang?

Outer Kusang has remote relation with inner Kusang. External Kusang feeds Internal Kusang.  If we join our hands with external Kusang, internal Kusang becomes strong.

There is an external Saint and an internal Saint. If we stay with external Saint, our internal Saint and thus Internal Satsang gets stronger.

Internal Satsang is Auto-Discharge. It is like the mobile device which needs regular charging. The charging of Satsang is dead slow and charges with great difficulty. If we want to strengthen our Inner Satsang, we should charge with outer Satsang regularly. If we don’t charge, it gets quickly discharged.

Internal Kusang is Auto-Charge. You need not charge it at all. It would be charged automatically. It would be always full of charge. If we don’t recharge Satang for a day, Kusang gets upper hand.

Internal Satsang is Auto-Off. If you don’t do regular outer Satsang, your battery goes down, and gets switched off automatically. Once it is Off, it is very difficult to switch it On. If you are away from Outer Satsang, your Inner Satsang loses charge and you are doomed.

Internal Kusang is Auto-On. It is by default on. Even if it doesn’t get Outer Kusang, it still manages to be On by thinking over the Outer Kusang.

All the worldly desires are asked by inner Kusang. All God-related desires is asked by inner Satsang.

23rd June 2017: Detroit, FL
Vachanamrut Gadhada First 70