05. Firm Faith On The Murti Of God

Without believing in the Murti (definite form) of God, we cannot offer aarti to God, we cannot offer tasty food to God, and we cannot get blessings of God. Maharaj had a firm stand that God has a definite and beautiful form (Murti). Firm faith in the Murti of God reflects the extreme faith we have in God.

In each of us, God is also as residing as an observer (antaryami). If we had some questions, there would not be any answer from antaryami form of God. All answers are from the human incarnations of God. We have Murti of God to offer our prayers, and exchange love. In our Hindu tradition, after pran-pratishta, God exists for real in that Murti. The divine miracles of Sarangpur Hanumanji, Vadtal Harikrushna Maharaj, Gadpur Gopinathji Maharaj, and all other temples that Maharaj established are few examples. Maharaj fulfills the wishes of devotees through His own Murti.

In Muli temple that Brahmanand Swami constructed, there was Soni Bhagat who wished to offer a bracelet to Ghanshyam Maharaj. Soni Bhagat made the bracelet ready but forgot to offer it to Maharaj. As the time passed, one day, Maharaj appeared to Soni Bhagat and asked, ‘When do you wish to gift me the bracelet?’

In our sampraday, Maharaj is actually present in the Murti of God. Maharaj in the Murti listens to our prayers, answers our wishes, and completes our tasks.

Maharaj also mentioned that his firm stand on definite form of God is not just his own opinion. He based His decision based on the holy scriptures written by all great sages especially Vedvyasji.

Maharaj is very firm on believing that God has definite form. What is the meaning of firm here? That if by chance, something better is offered or something lower is offered, the decision is not changed.

In Ramayan, an incident of Shri Parvatiji and Lord Shankar is well explained. Based on Naradji’s directions, Parvatiji started performing severe penance in Himalayas to get Lord Shankar as her husband. Lord Shankar thought of testing her stand. So, he sent Saptarshi (seven sages) to test her. They all went to Parvatiji. By the presence of the seven sages, Parvatiji respected them, and offered prayers.

The seven sages asked, “Who are you Madam? And what are you doing here in this dense forest?”

Parvatiji replied, “O pious sages, I am Parvati, daughter of Himalayas. I am performing penance to get Lord Shankar as my husband.”

They looked at each other and started laughing.

“Who suggested you to marry Lord Shankar?”

“Sage Naradji.”

“Oh, Naradji!” They started laughing out louder than before.

“Naradji? In the complete history of the universe, there was not a single incident where he joined a family together. He was always good at breaking families.”

They continued, “It doesn’t seem right that you are believing him. Did you ever see Lord Shankar?”

“No. I just heard about Him.”

“His house is in burial ground. He doesn’t wear clothes. He applies vibhuti all over his body, and he has snakes over his neck and they in turn coil him all over.”

Parvatiji was silent over their remarks.

“As you are not yet married, it is fine to change your opinion. We have thought of a good match for you. As we roam around places, we know a better one for you. He is the Lord Vishnu, the Lord of all, and the embodiment of all good qualities. This proposal is for your benefit and happiness.”

Parvatiji replied to the seven sages, “Oh pious sages, Thanks for your suggestion. I have already firmly decided that for the next millions of lives to come, I will either be the wife of Lord Shankar, or I will remain unmarried forever.”

That is the meaning of firm stand: sticking to it even if you are offered something better than what you got, or lower than what you got.

Parvatiji continued, “I am the daughter of mountain. Once I get fixed onto a thing, no one can move me away from it. Now, even if Naradji comes and tells me to change my mind, I am not going to do that. For that matter, even if Shankarji orders me to choose someone else, I am not going to change my mind.”

Such was the strong stand of Maharaj on ‘Murti of God’. And such should be our stand on Maharaj, and His Murti. Even if Maharaj says to worship and meditate on the other incarnation of God, we should be firm that we belong to Maharaj alone.

Our stand should be so firm that, even if someone is better, we don’t have anyone other than Lord Swaminarayan and His Saints.


09th June 2017: Chattanooga, TN
Vach. Gadhada Antya 30, 16  and Gadhada Pratham 68