03. Seva Is The Shortcut To Maharaj

Maharaj said that Greatness or smallness of a devotee is measured on how much he is serving God and Saints and not on worldly scale.

Maharaj separated devotional activities from Seva.

There is a devotee who does devotional activities like chanting, puja of God, reading scriptures, visiting temple for Darshan etc., There is another devotee who does Seva to Maharaj and His Saints day in and day out like a paid servant by doing whatever they order him to do. Devotee who serves Maharaj and Saints like a paid servant is far superior than the other one, though both have surrendered to God and are part of Satsang.

The scale of Greatness is by how much one is serving God and Saints. Greatness is not by worldly richness, not by age, and not even by ashram (householder or Saint).

Why the devotee who does Seva is great? Because a person is ready to do Seva of another person only if he had firm conviction on that person. Otherwise serving him is not at all possible. One whose conviction is greater than the other is great in all respects. Conviction means my-ness. Conviction that “This Swaminarayan Bhagwan and His Saints belongs to me. I belong to Him and His Saints. And I am their servant.” Only then serving is possible.

Tulasidasji said that, “If someone takes the name of my Lord Ram, I could tear my skin and make them sandals for both their feet.” That is conviction Tulasidasji had on Lord Ram.

In another Vachanamrut, Maharaj discussed about how a soul could get instant strength*. If a person tries to realize his self (soul) and behaves like a soul, then he gets spiritual strength. But it is a slow and lengthy process. Maharaj said that He has a shortcut to gain instant spiritual strength. If a person has extreme desire to serve God and His Saints, and he has extreme desire to have darshan of God, and unstoppable energy to serve the Saints, then that person gets instant spiritual power.

To progress quickly towards Maharaj, serving Him and His Saints is the only shortcut. Maharaj used the word ‘Tel-chakri’. If water is needed, bringing them water. If eating is to be arranged, arranging it for them. Whatever they desired, making it happen. The works are small, but the benefits are huge. That is the shortcut.

The devotee who doesn’t serve Saints and Devotees is actually incapable or handicapped.


7th June 2017: Atlanta, GA
Vachanamrut Gadhada First 31, Gadhada Madhya 63, 25