Asserted Topics: The Swami-Sevak (master-servant) relationship. Key Points: Explanation: This Vachanamrut discusses the Swami-Sevak relationship. What is the ultimate relationship between the jiva (soul) and Paramatma (God)? What is the eternal bond between Maharaj and our atma? If we understand this relationship and learn to live by it, attaining liberation…
GM-66 Questions to Six Sadguru Santo
Asserted Topics: The questions asked by six different Sadguru santo. Key Points: Explanation: (1) Maharaj said, “Today, I wish to ask questions to some of the senior santo.” He then posed a question to Anandanand Swami: “Sometimes, a person with limited intelligence is able to see their own faults and…
GM-65 The Over-Wise
Asserted Topics: The Akhatar Dahapanu (misguided wisdom). Key Points: Explanation: This Vachanamrut is referred to as the Akhatar Dahapanu (misguided wisdom). Due to the inability to grasp the glory of Bhagwan (God) with one’s limited intellect, one attributes faults to Bhagwan. For this reason, Maharaj has used the term “Akhatar…
GM-64 Purushottam Bhatt’s Question
Asserted Topics: The distinction between avatar and avatari. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Swayamprakashanand Swami asked a question: “Are all incarnations of Bhagwan the same, or is there a higher and lower distinction among them?” The question is quite beautiful and deserves deep contemplation. It is vital for us…
GM-63 Gaining Instant Strength
Asserted Topics: The methods to attain strength on the path of Bhagwan. Key Points: Explanation: This Vachanamrut focuses on the attainment of vivekbal (the power of discernment). Muktanand Swami asked the question: “O Maharaj, between the drashta (the knower) and drashya (the seen), the thought (discernment) that lies in between…
GM–62 Ãtmã-Realisation, Fidelity and Servitude
Asserted Topics: The three virtues of Atmanishtha (firm faith in one’s Self as the soul), Pativrata, and Dasbhav (servitude). Key Points: Explanation: Firstly, Ayodhyaprasadji Maharaj asked a question: “In this world, there may be a person who spends all day and night (twenty-four hours) in worldly affairs, such as farming,…
GM-61 Observance, Faith, and Loyalty
Asserted Topics: Characteristics of a confirmed Satsangi: Observance, Faith, and Support. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Maharaj explains the characteristics of a confirmed Satsangi and a great Satsangi. Maharaj states that the one who possesses three qualities—niyam (observance), nishchay (faith), and paksha (support)—can be called a confirmed Satsangi. First,…
GM-60 The Ultimate Good (Param Kalyan)
Asserted Topics: Nishtha – The Ultimate Good Param Kalyan). Key Points: Explanation: This Vachanamrut highlights the importance of nishtha in Bhagwan and is titled the “Vachanamrut of Param Kalyan” by the early saints. There are two concepts to understand on the path to salvation (kalyan): Mukti and Prapti. To be…
GM-59 Avoiding Distractions and Taking a Stand
Asserted Topics: Understanding the methods to avoid distractions. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, when Shreeji Maharaj encouraged a session of questions and answers, Muktanand Swami asked, “In this world, there are various kinds of distractions that arise. How can a devotee of Bhagwan remain focused and experience inner happiness?”…
GM-58 The Flourishing of a Sampradaya
Asserted Topics: The flourishing of Sampradaya. Key Points: Explanation: This Vachanamrut focuses on the topic of the flourishing of a Sampradaya. A Sampradaya refers to the inheritance of knowledge that has been correctly passed down (sam-yak-prakrushtha-daayabhag), which has been preserved as a tradition. It represents an unbroken lineage of knowledge…
GM-57 The Example of a Lizard; A ‘Cat-like’ Devotee
Asserted Topics: The Minediya (Cat-like) devotee. Key Point: Explanation: This Vachanamrut is referred to by the senior santo as the discourse about the Minediya devotee. But what is a Minediya devotee? A Minediya devotee is one who, like a cat, quickly consumes acts of devotion such as meditation, circumambulation, and…
GM–56 A Lightly Dyed Cloth
Asserted Topics: Characteristics of Love Key Points: Explanation: Shriji Maharaj was listening to kirtan-bhakti (devotional singing). After the kirtan-bhakti was over, Maharaj remarked, “After listening to this kirtan, my mind became immersed in thought. Then I realized that having deep love for Bhagwan is indeed a great matter.” After this,…
GM-55 A Goldsmith’s Workshop
Asserted Topics: The purity and impurity of a devotee’s inner being. Key Points: Explanation: This Vachanamrut is about the process of purification. The old santo refer to this as the Vachanamrut of the goldsmith’s shop. In the goldsmith’s workshop, Maharaj explains that both purification and impurity are active processes. If…
GM-53 Unable to See One’s Own Faults is Moh
Asserted Topics: The Nature of Moh Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Maharaj defines Moh (infatuation) by explaining that when Moh spreads within one’s heart, a person is unable to perceive their own faults. Therefore, not being able to see one’s own faults is the true form of Moh. Maharaj…
GM-52 The Dignity of a Tyagi and a Householder
Asserted Topics: The favorable situations for a householder and a Tyagi. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Shreeji Maharaj says that in this world, the paths of a householder and a Tyagi (renunciate) are distinct. What is dignified for a householder appears disgraceful for a Tyagi, and what is dignified…
GM-51 Characteristics of One Who Behaves as the Atma
Asserted Topics: Characteristics of a person who behaves as the atmasatta (believing one self as soul and not body). Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Maharaj asks the question: “At times, one may experience bliss in sushupti (dreamless sleep) and the agitation is removed, while at other times, the agitation…
GM–49 A Great Difference Exists between God’s Form and Mãyik Forms; Not Becoming Content with Spiritual Discourses, Devotional Songs, etc.
Asserted Topics: The difference between Bhagwan’s form and other forms in Maya. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Shreeji Maharaj explains that there is a great difference between the pratyaksh (manifest) form of Bhagwan and other mayik (material) forms. An ignorant soul, being extremely foolish, considers Bhagwan and these material…
GM–48 The ‘Vandu’ Devotional Songs; Taking Birth in the Company of the Sant
Asserted Topics: The glory of the constant chintavan (remembrance) on the murti of Bhagwan. Key Points: Explanation: Maharaj was seated in the satsang assembly when Sadguru Premanand Swami was singing devotional songs focused on meditating on Bhagwan’s form. He was singing the kirtan “Vandu Sahajānand Rasrūp Anupam Sārane re lol.”…
GM-47 The Earth Cracked All the Way to the Netherworld
Asserted Topics: Duties between a mumukshu (seeker of liberation) and a Sadguru. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Maharaj explains that if a Sant is in charge of four Sadhus and knows how to manage them with understanding and humanity, then the Sadhus will stay happily under his care. If…
GM-46 The ‘Death-line’; Falling from Ekãntik Dharma
Asserted Topics: The rope of death – The reason for falling from the path of liberation. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Shreeji Maharaj speaks about how a Sant (true saint) in this world does not feel joy or sorrow upon witnessing someone’s loss or gain of material possessions. However,…
GM–45 Expelling the Horde of the Fifty-One Ghosts
Asserted Topics: Eradicating Maya and worshipping Bhagwan, and how actions connected to Bhagwan become supremely powerful. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Shreeji Maharaj discusses: “All of you Muni Mandal (santos), Brahmachari (celibate disciples), householders, members of the holy fellowship, attendants, and residents of Ayodhya, are all considered my followers.…