Asserted Topics: Transcending the three gunas (modes of material nature) and three states of consciousness to worship Bhagwan. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Shreeji Maharaj poses a question: A devotee who transcends the three states—wakefulness (jagrut), dreamful sleep (swapna), and deep sleep or dreamless sleep (sushupti)—as well as the…

Asserted Topics: Characteristics of a confirmed Satsangi: Observance, Faith, and Support. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Maharaj explains the characteristics of a confirmed Satsangi and a great Satsangi. Maharaj states that the one who possesses three qualities—niyam (observance), nishchay (faith), and paksha (support)—can be called a confirmed Satsangi. First,…

Asserted Topics: Understanding the methods to avoid distractions. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, when Shreeji Maharaj encouraged a session of questions and answers, Muktanand Swami asked, “In this world, there are various kinds of distractions that arise. How can a devotee of Bhagwan remain focused and experience inner happiness?”…

Asserted Topics: The difference between Bhagwan’s form and other forms in Maya. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Shreeji Maharaj explains that there is a great difference between the pratyaksh (manifest) form of Bhagwan and other mayik (material) forms. An ignorant soul, being extremely foolish, considers Bhagwan and these material…