The below incident is mentioned in Upanishads. Once, Indra, the king of demigods, and Virochan, the king of demons, went to Lord Brahmaji, their grandfather, to realize their self. They approached Lord Brahmaji and humbly requested, ‘Grandpa, kindly guide us to realize our self.” Brahmaji replied, “For sure. Stay in…
Browsing CategoryWho is not a Saint
20. What is the objective of a fake saint?
Let’s say that a person is full of lust or ego or jealousy. When he goes on to the stage to give some self-help tips to others, will he speak in favor of those bad qualities? Or against? He speaks against those bad qualities. In an assembly, when a fake…
18. The background of a person influences his saintliness
We will acquire the good and bad qualities of the place we grew up in. We will also acquire the good and bad qualities of the family we were nurtured. There is a good story mentioned in Panchatantra that clearly explains this phenomenon. Once, a fox gave birth to a…
19. Intense spiritual practices don’t make a person into a saint
If someone performs penance, can we consider him a saint? Hiranyakasipu, Ravan, Bhasmasur performed severe penance that cannot even be performed by saintly souls. Let us say, if Ravan, Hiranyakasipu, and Bhasmasur hide their names and sit in an assembly of saints along with other true saints, and if we…
17. What are the qualities that reflect saintliness?
What are the qualities that define a saint? Inthis chapter, we will discuss the list of seemingly saintly qualities. If the external appearance of a person is great,can we call him a saint? All over the world, the external appearance isgiven utmost importance. But can we truly determine…
16. A saint’s intentions must be verified every moment
Is it a sin to check the intentions of a saint? Should we not check if a saint really possesses saintly qualities or not? Shreeji Maharaj has said that one should never find faults in a saint no matter what. However, Nishkulanand Swami has said that one should check a…
15. A fake saint has a better external appearance than a true saint
Who has a better external appearance? A fake saint or a true saint? A fake saint will have a better external appearance than a true saint because a fake saint is the master of making up external exhibitions and showing off something that is not present in real; showing off…
14. A saint is extremely pleased if someone tests his intentions
The intentions of a true saint are always pure. However, one can never know whether a saint is true or fake unless the intentions of that saint are well tested. When a true saint finds someone trying to test his intentions, he would in fact be very pleased. Shastriji Maharaj…
13. Are we doing satsang to reach Maharaj or to satisfy our desires?
Why do we do satsang with a particular group? Let us say, the brother of a person is associating with a group of saints. Let us also say that the brother of that person eventually became a saint. Now, where will that person go for satsang? Where does he think…
12. Demonic souls are more intense than divine souls
True devotees are vulnerable to the traps of wicked souls Fake saints or fake devotees do not need to be alerted. They do not need to be reminded of anything, and they are always ready and alert. One will never find a fake devotee or saint being fooled by a…
11. Becoming a saint is one’s own decision
A saint only lives for kalyan Bhagwan has created four divisions of human society: Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Sudra. On what basis did Bhagwan create these four divisions? It is based on their past deeds. चातुर्वर्ण्यं मया सृष्टं गुणकर्मविभागशः । catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah Definition: I created the four divisions of…
10. A fake saint does self-praise primarily to satisfy his animal mindset
One who lives only to feed his body and fulfill his bodily desires is a person with an animal mindset. Parikshit Maharaj was a great soul with detachment. All his great qualities from the time of his birth were described in the scriptures. In donating to the needy, for example,…
09. A fake saint praises himself not directly but indirectly
If a person always praises himself and tells everyone that he is great, will people believe in him? No. In fact, people will make fun of him and will stay away from him. If a saint praises himself during his katha, no one will attend his katha as no one…
08. A fake saint is an expert
Who is more intelligent between demons and demigods? Demons are always more intelligent than demigods. Maydanav was the architect of demons; Vishwakarma was the architect of demigods. Vishwakarma constructed the city of Dwarika. He constructed it with the gold that Lord Krishna had brought. Satyabhamaji’s father had pleased Surya Dev…
07. The talks of a saint don’t reflect his intentions
When a fake saint speaks, what does he speak about? He always tries to convince others that he is a true saint. Any person, when he speaks, always speaks in such a way that his public image or reputation is guaranteed to improve. This is especially true when one is…
s06. A saint never does anything for himself but does everything for Bhagwan
By giving way to Gopis, Yamunaji proved that Durvasaji is on an eternal fast. He never ate with the intention of feeding himself or nourishing his body, but his intention always was to feed Bhagwan, and he has been eating so eternally. When Balmukunddasji Swami tells a person that Bhagwan…
05. A true saint can confidently proclaim his purity
Gunatitanand Swami has said that there are four important accomplishments to achieve kalyan. Among understanding Bhagwan and understanding a true saint, which is more difficult? In fact, it is more difficult to understand a true saint than it is to understand Bhagwan. If a person lives with a true saint,…
04. A true saint is better than rushi, muni, devata, Bhagwan, and everyone
How can we say an object is better than another object? Only when we compare that object with another object can we say that the object is better than the other. The greatness of an object is measured by observing the difference between that object and all other objects. One…
03. A true saint makes sure Bhagwan never leaves his heart
Bhagwan never leaves the heart of a true saint, not even for a fraction of a second, and not even for the time taken by the eyelids to close and open. Even if Bhagwan wanted to, He can’t leave the heart of a true saint. We can see that through…
02. Six qualities of a saint who is as good as Bhagwan
If we want to associate with a true saint, we should first understand the process of identifying one. After identifying a true saint, we must surrender our mind and our life to him; we must listen to such a saint and mold our life accordingly. Nishkulanand Swami has said that…
01. Why should we know who is not a saint?
For the one who is on the path of moksha, it is very important to know the purity of the saint or devotee he is associating with. For that matter, if we find a true saint or even Bhagwan and if we don’t understand who exactly they are, then that…