Asserted Topics: Nirvikalp Samadhi Key Points: Key Points: In this Vachanamrut, Shobharam Shastri from Vadodara asked Maharaj, “O Maharaj! When a mumukshu (seeker of liberation) attains Nirvikalp Samadhi, they transcend the gunas (attributes of Maya) and become an Ekantik Bhakt (single-minded devotee of God). But what happens to someone who…
Browsing CategoryVadtal
V-02 Knowing God through the four scriptures
Asserted Topics: Understanding God as He is and the method for this realization. Key Points: Key Points: In this Vachanamrut, Kandas Patel from Buva asks Maharaj, “How does one win the pleasure of God?” In response, Maharaj says, “God is pleased if one does not commit any offense against Him.”…
V-03 Four Types of Eminent Spiritual Leaders
Asserted Topics: Who is worthy of becoming a leader in Satsang (holy fellowship)? Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Maharaj directly questioned the leading Santo and devotees regarding the ideal characteristics of a leader in our Uddhav Sampradaya (holy fellowship). He explained that a true Ekantik Bhakt (single-minded devotee) should…
V-04 The Fountain
Asserted Topics: The practice of Yog for internalizing the murti of Bhagwan. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Muktanand Swami begins by asking a question: “What is the single technique that a devotee, following the path of devotion to Bhagwan, should adopt to encompass all means of spiritual attainment?” Maharaj…
V– 05 Not Perceiving Maya in God, Equal Service
Asserted Topics: The nature of firm ashray (refuge). Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Maharaj instructed the assembly to pose challenging and intricate questions. Accordingly, Muktanand Swami asked a question inspired by the verse:daivī hyeṣā guṇamayī mama māyā duratyayā | māmeva ye prapadyante māyām etāṃ taranti te ||In this verse,…
V-06 Response to Chimnaraavji’s question
Asserted Topics: The extent of power held by kaal (time) and karma (deeds). Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Chimnaraavji of Vadodara posed a question. “Maharaj, at the time of the first pralaykaal (final dissolution), souls merged into maya while in a karan sharir (causal body). Later, during the period…
V–07 Characteristics of Divine and Demonical Souls, Anvay–Vyatirek
Asserted Topics: Key Points: Explanation: The devotees were engaged in discussions about Bhagwan, and the topic of divine and demonical souls arose. They discussed how divine souls naturally become devotees of Bhagwan, while demonical souls inevitably turn away from Bhagwan. At that point, Chimanravji asked Maharaj, “Maharaj, is there any…
V-08 The Spider’s Web
Asserted Topics: Practicing concentration of Vritti (mental flow) on Bhagwan. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Maharaj sat for a moment in a meditative posture, gave darshan (a sacred sight), and then began to speak, “Although the Vritti of the eyes is formless, when it encounters a visible object, it…
V–09 How Can One Experience the Nirgun Bliss of God?
Asserted Topics: The Recognition of Nirgun Happiness Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Maharaj poses a question to the assembly of muni (Santos). He inquires why the happiness related to God, which is Nirgun (beyond attributes), is not experienced in the same way as the three types of happiness—Tamasi, Rajasi,…
V–10 Path to the Soul’s Ultimate Salvation
Asserted Topics: The means for achieving the (kalyan) ultimate salvation of the soul. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, a Patidar named Bhagubhai from the village of Bhadaran asked Maharaj, “Maharaj, how can the jiva (soul) achieve kalyan?” In response, Maharaj explained that when Bhagwan incarnates on Earth, the soul’s…
V-11 The Destruction of the Jiva; Love for the Satpurush Is the Only Means to Realising the Ãtmã
Asserted Topics: The ego’s destruction and unwavering love towards a Satpurush (true saint) serve as means of Atmadarshan (self-realization) and Paramatmadarshan (God-realization). Key Points: Explanation: This Vachanamrut speaks on the destruction of the jiva. Maharaj declares, “My natural is such that I greatly fear causing harm to any of these…
V-12 Faith Coupled with the Knowledge of God’s Greatness
Asserted Topics: Firm conviction (Nishchay) in God with reverence for His greatness. Key Points: Explanation: Maharaj, after deep contemplation, cast a compassionate glance upon the devotees and spoke, “Today, I wish to speak on the topic of Nishchay in God. Listen attentively. Purushottam Bhagwan resides eternally in Akshardham, which radiates…
V-13 If Brahma Pervades, How Can It Possess a Form?
Asserted Topics: The divinity of Bhagwan’s murti. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Bhagubhai Patidar from Bhadaran asked Maharaj, “How does a person go into samadhi (trance)?” The phrasing of “this” in his question suggests that someone must have recently gone into samadhi after seeing Maharaj. Maharaj replied, “For the…
V-14 Whom a Non-believer Considers a Sinner Is Not a Sinner, and Whom He Considers to be Sincere in His Dharma Is Not Really So
Asserted Topics: Righteousness and unrighteousness. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Ramchandraji Vaghmodia of Vadodara posed a question to Shreeji Maharaj, “Maharaj, what is the reason that even an unworthy soul can go into samadhi (trance)?” The background of this question involves an incident: A certain pious person’s life had…
V-15 The Cause of Divine and Demonic Nature
Asserted Topics: The underlying factors leading to daivi (divine) and asuri (demonic) nature. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Shobharam Shastri posed a question to Maharaj: “Maharaj, are the two types of souls—divine and demonic—eternal, or have they come to be as a result of certain circumstances?” Maharaj replied, “In…
V-16 Not Feeling Comfortable with Worldly Great Men
Asserted Topics: Maharaj’s Confidential Principle. Key Points: Explanation: This Vachanamrut is a discourse on Maharaj’s confidential principle. During the assembly, a Shastri (scholar) from Vadodara was seated. He expressed to Maharaj, “Maharaj, if you were to display a miracle to a prominent person, then they would greatly assist in expanding…
V–17 An Enlightened Person Has Conquered His Senses
Asserted Topics: Who can be called Jitendriya, and is it appropriate for a renunciant sant to remain on the path of Pravrutti (path of action) for the sake of Bhagwan and His devotees? Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Shreeji Maharaj asks a question: “The five cognitive senses and five…
V-18 Things That Must Be Understood
Asserted Topics: The teachings that a member of the holy fellowship must know. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Shreeji Maharaj first posed a question to the senior Paramhansas: “What are the teachings a Satsangi (member of the holy fellowship) must necessarily know?” He then answered Himself, explaining that one…
V–19 On Becoming a Devotee and the Comparison of One Who Desires Material Happiness to a Worm of Filth
Asserted Topics: The recognition of the bliss of Bhagwan. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Maharaj speaks kindly to devotees, explaining that whenever a soul takes birth in Bharatkhand (India) in human form, it is certain that an incarnation of Bhagwan or a Sadhu will be present on Earth. If…
V-20 The Understanding of King Janak
Asserted Topics: The method by which the root of lust, anger, etc., can be destroyed. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Shreeji Maharaj asks the paramhansas a question. He explains that rajogun (passion and activity) is the source of lust, while tamogun (darkness and ignorance) is the source of anger…