Asserted Topics: How can one completely withdraw the mind from Panch Vishay and remove its influence? Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Maharaj asks the senior Paramhansas and devotees, “If a person has affection for Bhagwan and is firm in dharma, but lacks proper understanding, he will not regard even…
Browsing CategoryPanchala
P-02 The Secrets of Sankhya and Yog
Asserted Topics: The principles of Sankhya and Yog. Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Maharaj begins by saying, “Bring the Moksha Dharma scripture, and let’s discuss the chapters of Sankhya and Yog.” After the scripture was brought, Nityanand Swami started reading. Maharaj then elaborated on the hidden meaning, saying that…
P-03 Munibava’s Question, Intelligence That that leads to liberation
Asserted Topics: Only the wisdom that aids in one’s spiritual progress is considered true wisdom, and one should love Bhagwan with a nirgun (without the influence of the three gunas) mindset. Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Munibava asked Brahmanand Swami a question: “Even when one has received the grace…
P-04 Perceiving Divinity in the Human Traits of God
Asserted Topics: Firmness of conviction. Main Points: Commentary: This Vachanamrut emphasizes the importance of developing firmness in conviction. In the Vachanamrut, Munibava asked Brahmanand Swami a question: “At first, one may have firm conviction in Bhagwan, engage in devotion and remembrance, but later, upon seeing Bhagwan’s human actions, one’s conviction…
P-05 Pride And Humility
Asserted Topics: Where to maintain self-respect and where to adopt humility. Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Swayamprakashanand Swami asks Maharaj the question: “Where is it advisable to maintain self-respect, and where is it not? Where is it advisable to be humble, and where is it not?” In response, Maharaj…
P-06 Those with Firm Upãsanã Attain Liberation
Asserted Topics: Developing firmness in Upasana Main Points: Commentary: This Vachanamrut emphasizes the importance of firmness in Upasana. What does it mean to have firmness in Upasana? It means to firmly believe that the Maharaj we have encountered is the master of all realms of creation, and to worship Him…
P-07 The ‘Mãyã’ Of A Magician
Asserted Topics: Understanding the nature of Bhagwan. Main Points: Commentary: This Vachanamrut is centered around the analogy of the rope trick charmer. Just as a rope charmer performs illusions before a king, first tying his weapons and climbing into the sky to fight the demons, the enemies of Indra, and…