Browsing CategoryVachanamrut Chintan

Asserted Topics: Pramad and the Karma of the Sthul and Sukshma bodies. Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Swayamprakashanand Swami has asked a question: “Bhagwan has said in the Gita that those who attain God’s abode like Vaikunth never return. ‘यद्गत्वा न निवर्तन्ते तद्धाम परमं मम।’ (Yad gatvā na nivartante…

Asserted Topics: The two types of people: Dharmi (pious) and Adharmi (evil), and the distinction between Atmadrashti (internal vision) and Bahirdrashti (external vision). Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Maharaj, accompanied by a group of Santo, arrived at the village of Khambhada from Kundal. There, Maharaj addressed the villagers. In…

Asserted Topics: What is superior, direct worship or mental worship? Characteristics of Shravan, Manan, Nididhyas, and Sakshatkar. Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Swayamprakashanand Swami asked Shreeji Maharaj, “Maharaj, one devotee performs direct worship of God with various physical materials, and another performs mental worship with imagined materials. Who is…

Asserted Topics: Characteristics of conquering the mind. Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Muktanand Swami posed a question to Maharaj, quoting the shloka from “Maniratnamala“: “जितं जगत् केन मनो हि येन” (jitaṃ jagat kena mano hi yena), meaning “He who conquers his mind conquers the world.” He asked how one…

Asserted Topics: Clarification about the three kinds of Vairagya. Key Points: Worldly objects cannot control one who is not drawn toward them. Explanation विगतः रागः आसक्ति यस्मात् सः वैराग्यः ।  रंजयति इति रागः ।।vigataḥ rāgaḥ āsakti yasmāt saḥ vairāgyaḥ |  raṃjayati iti rāgaḥ || Things that make us happy create …

Asserted Topics: Devotees must be able to distinguish between genuine and false deeds. Key Points: Humble devotees perceive deficiencies in themselves and virtues in devotees and saints. Explanation  The word Vivek (wisdom) is used in the meaning of  विचिर् पृथकभावे विच् vichir pṛthakabhāve vich; it is originated from ‘Vich’ it…