Asserted Topics: The highest form of devotion. Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Maharaj asked the saints a question. Among the two types of devotees of Bhagwan, one has extreme affection for Bhagwan and cannot remain without His Darshan (divine sight) even for a moment. His love is visibly intense.…
Browsing CategoryVachanamrut Chintan
S-14 Laziness And Infatuation
Asserted Topics: Pramad and the Karma of the Sthul and Sukshma bodies. Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Swayamprakashanand Swami has asked a question: “Bhagwan has said in the Gita that those who attain God’s abode like Vaikunth never return. ‘यद्गत्वा न निवर्तन्ते तद्धाम परमं मम।’ (Yad gatvā na nivartante…
S-13 Losing Nishchay And Not Losing Nishchay
Asserted Topics: Nishchay made by one’s own mind tends to waver easily. Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Muktanand Swami posed a question: If someone initially has Nishchay (firm faith / Conviction) in Bhagwan but then loses it, did they ever truly have Nishchay? In response, Swayamprakashanand Swami stated that…
S-12 Reflection on the Soul
Asserted Topics: Which qualities in a Sant are permanent and which are transient, and Atmavichar. Main Points: Commentary: Nirvikaranand Swami asked, “Which qualities in a Sant are permanent and which are transient?” This question is somewhat complex and can be contemplated from various perspectives. Each perspective will be meaningful to…
S-11 Personal Endeavour and God’s Grace
Asserted Topics: Purush Prayatna and God’s Grace. Main Points: Commentary: This Vachanamrut is about effort and God’s grace. Maharaj explains the extent to which one’s effort contributes to one’s Salvation and the role of God’s grace. Muktanand Swami asked, “Maharaj, It is said in the scriptures that one achieves his…
S-10 A Physical Perspective versus the Ãtmã’s Perspective; Being Beaten by Shoes
Asserted Topics: The two types of people: Dharmi (pious) and Adharmi (evil), and the distinction between Atmadrashti (internal vision) and Bahirdrashti (external vision). Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Maharaj, accompanied by a group of Santo, arrived at the village of Khambhada from Kundal. There, Maharaj addressed the villagers. In…
S-09 Prevalence of Yugadharm, and What Is Sthan?
Asserted Topics: What is the reason for the prevalence of the Yugadharm in the heart? Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Muktanand Swami asks a question: “Oh Maharaj! What is the reason for the prevalence of the Yugadharm (properties of different times or eras) in the heart of a person?”…
S-08 The Nature of Jealousy
Asserted Topics: The nature of jealousy. Main Points: Commentary: This Vachanamrut is about the nature of jealousy. Chaitanyanand Swami asked the question, “What is the nature of jealousy?” Shreeji Maharaj replied that ego in one’s heart gives rise to jealousy, and the characteristic of jealousy is such that when someone…
S-07 The Field of Naimisharanya
Asserted Topics: What is Naimisharanya Kshetra from a spiritual perspective? (Or what place is considered as such?) Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, it is mentioned in the first canto of the Bhagwat that Sut Purani narrated the story of Bhagwat to Sanakadik Rishis in Naimisharanya Kshetra. The Sanakadik Rishis…
S-05 Anvay – Vyatirek
Asserted Topics: Eradication of Vasana and the Secret of Darshan, the Nature of Anvay and Vyatirek. Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Muktanand Swami asked Maharaj a question regarding the powerful single method for eradicating Vasana (worldly desires or impressions). Maharaj replied that Bhakti (devotion) accompanied by the knowledge of…
S-04 Discernment between Atma and Anatma
Asserted Topics: Clear discernment between Atma (soul) and Anatma (non-soul). Main Points: Commentary: This Vachanamrut focuses on the clear identification of Atma and Anatma. Swayamprakashanand Swami asked a question: “Maharaj, how can we clearly understand the distinction between Atma and Anatma so that we do not confuse them as one?”…
S-03 Shravan, Manan, Nididhyas, and Sakshatkar
Asserted Topics: What is superior, direct worship or mental worship? Characteristics of Shravan, Manan, Nididhyas, and Sakshatkar. Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Swayamprakashanand Swami asked Shreeji Maharaj, “Maharaj, one devotee performs direct worship of God with various physical materials, and another performs mental worship with imagined materials. Who is…
S-02 Developing Love for God’s Murti
Asserted Topics: How does a devotee develop intense love for God’s Murti? How do God and great Santo develop love for a mumukshu? Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Swayamprakashanand Swami asked a question: How does a devotee develop intense love for God’s Murti? This question is quite complex. Love…
S-01 Characteristics of a Conquered Mind
Asserted Topics: Characteristics of conquering the mind. Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Muktanand Swami posed a question to Maharaj, quoting the shloka from “Maniratnamala“: “जितं जगत् केन मनो हि येन” (jitaṃ jagat kena mano hi yena), meaning “He who conquers his mind conquers the world.” He asked how one…
S-06 Two States within Each State; The Four Types of Speech
Asserted Topics: How do the other two Avastha reside within one Avastha? Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Nityanand Swami asked how the other two Avastha reside within one Avastha. Before answering this question, Shreeji Maharaj clarified that the state in which the Jeev enjoys the objects of senses is…
GF-01 Uninterrupted concentration on the Murti of God
Asserted Topics: Key Points: Explanation The first discourse of this Vachanamrutam discusses the purpose of engaging in an uninterrupted concentration on the transcendent Murti of Supreme God. In any religious text, the basic principle is to initiate with Mangalacharan (benediction prayer). When Mangalacharan also appears at the middle and end…
GF-02 Three Levels Of Vairagya
Asserted Topics: Clarification about the three kinds of Vairagya. Key Points: Worldly objects cannot control one who is not drawn toward them. Explanation विगतः रागः आसक्ति यस्मात् सः वैराग्यः । रंजयति इति रागः ।।vigataḥ rāgaḥ āsakti yasmāt saḥ vairāgyaḥ | raṃjayati iti rāgaḥ || Things that make us happy create …
GF-03 Remembering The Leelas Of God
Assorted Topics: Leela (exploits/pastimes) of God should be remembered, and relationships with Santos, Brahmchāries and Satsaṅgis should be developed. Key Points: At the time of death, if one cannot visualise the divine image of God, remembering the Leela Charitras (exploits/pastimes) of the Supreme Lord and recalling the memories of Sadhus,…
GF-05 Persistency In Dhyan
Assorted Topics: Practice meditation. Diligently. Key Points: Even if God’s divine Murti (form/image) is not visualised, a devotee must always remain persistent and meditate enthusiastically upon the Murti of God. Explanation Here Shreeji Maharaj ordains His devotees to meditate on the divine Murti of Lord Shree Krishna along with Rādhikāji.…
GF-06 One with Wisdom and One without Wisdom
Asserted Topics: Devotees must be able to distinguish between genuine and false deeds. Key Points: Humble devotees perceive deficiencies in themselves and virtues in devotees and saints. Explanation The word Vivek (wisdom) is used in the meaning of विचिर् पृथकभावे विच् vichir pṛthakabhāve vich; it is originated from ‘Vich’ it…
GF-07 Anvay – Vyatirek
Asserted Topics: Anvay and Vytirek are forms of Jiva and Ishwar Key Points: Explanation In this Vachanāmrut, Shreeji Maharaj said Many times, devotees come across highly spiritual matters in our scriptures and they either do not understand them properly or misinterpret them. When the soul behaves one with three types…