Browsing CategoryLoya

Asserted Topics: Characteristics of those with firm faith accompanied by knowledge of God’s greatness. Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Shreeji Maharaj discusses the nature of a devotee who has unwavering faith in Bhagwan and His Santo, combined with an understanding of their greatness. Maharaj emphasizes that a person with…

Asserted Topics: The cause of the emergence of Dharma, Jnan, Vairagya, and Bhakti. Main Points: Please refer to the explanation for details. Commentary: 1. Characteristics: Dharma: Dharati dhārayati vā lokānīti dharmaḥ(Dharma is that which upholds and supports all beings).Dharma jāneyah (Dharma is known through good conduct)as established by Shruti and…

Asserted Topics: The nature of the Jeevatma (individual soul) and the principles of Sankhya, Yog, and Vedant. Main Points: Commentary: This Vachanamrut begins with Maharaj’s merciful words. The Jeev pervades all bodies through Adhyatma (spiritual), Adhibhoot (material), and Adhidev (divine) principles. Adhyatma refers to the subtle body, as expressed in…