Asserted Topics: Eradicating anger, Kama, and other vices from their roots. Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Maharaj asked the question, “What is the meaning of the word Shankar?” The munis (sages) replied that Shankar refers to one who bestows happiness. Maharaj then narrated a detailed account of how He…
Browsing CategoryLoya
L-02 On Faithful, Knowledgeable, Brave, and Loving Devotees
Asserted Topics: Overcoming the fear of death despite having a physical body. Main Points: Commentary: This Vachanamrut is about overcoming the fear of death. Maharaj posed a question: “When does a devotee in Satsang become free from the fear of death, and when does he feel that he has achieved…
L-03 The Characteristics of Those with Firm Faith Accompanied by Knowledge of God’s Greatness.
Asserted Topics: Characteristics of those with firm faith accompanied by knowledge of God’s greatness. Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Shreeji Maharaj discusses the nature of a devotee who has unwavering faith in Bhagwan and His Santo, combined with an understanding of their greatness. Maharaj emphasizes that a person with…
L-04 When One Experiences Doubt about God, It Means They Have Not Overcome Maya
Asserted Topics: The form of God and the methods of redemption across all Brahmands (universes) Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Akhandanand Swami asked Shreeji Maharaj whether the form of God that is seen in our Brahmand appears the same in all the infinite universes, or if God manifests differently…
L-05 Conquering the Senses and Mind
Asserted Topics: In this Vachanamrut, many questions have been posed. Thus, various topics and issues have been discussed. Commentary: Here, Maharaj posed a question to the Santo about what deceit and hypocrisy are, and how deceitful and hypocritical individuals can be identified. He explained that concealing one’s weaknesses and impurities…
L-06 Purifying the Company One Keeps
Asserted Topics: In this Vachanamrut, many questions have been raised, leading to discussions on a variety of topics and key points. Commentary: The Rare Attainment After Satsang: After joining Satsang, what is the rarest attainment? Maharaj states that it is difficult to become an Ekantik Bhakta (single-minded devotee), one who…
L-07 Realising God through the Senses, Conscience and Experience
Asserted Topics: The means of knowledge that leads to the ultimate redemption of the Jeev (soul). Main Points: Commentary: his Vachanamrut discusses knowledge that is attained through the Indriyas, Antahkaran, and personal Anubhav (experience). Is the cause of the Jeev’s liberation Jnan or Bhakti? Or are there other means? In…
L-08 Voiding the Restlessness of the Senses; Accepting Only Words Related to One’s Inclination
Asserted Topics: Various topics. Main Points: Various topics have been discussed. Commentary: Why does a wise person find faults with a Sant (saint)? In response, Maharaj says that a wise person perceives inappropriate traits in his own nature, and with a deep sense of dveshbuddhi (intense dislike) towards those traits,…
L-09 The Cause of the Emergence of Dharma and the Other Three
Asserted Topics: The cause of the emergence of Dharma, Jnan, Vairagya, and Bhakti. Main Points: Please refer to the explanation for details. Commentary: 1. Characteristics: Dharma: Dharati dhārayati vā lokānīti dharmaḥ(Dharma is that which upholds and supports all beings).Dharma jāneyah (Dharma is known through good conduct)as established by Shruti and…
L-10 The State of Remaining Uninfatuated
Asserted Topics: What is the reason for developing deep or mild attachment toward Paramatma (Supreme God)? Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Nityanand Swami asked a question: In this world, why do some people become so attached to objects like women, etc., that they feel they would die if separated…
L-11 Understanding of Saintly and Vicious People
Asserted Topics: The understanding of shastra (holy scriptures) by vicious and saintly people. Main Points: Commentary: This Vachanamrut discusses the understanding of vicious and saintly people. In this Vachanamrut, Shukmuni asks Maharaj how a vicious person and a saintly person grasp the teachings of the shastras. Maharaj replies by first…
L-12 The Six Types of Faith
Asserted Topics: The six types of nishchay (faith) in Bhagwan. Main Points: Commentary: This Vachanamrut explains the six types of nishchay (faith). There are two main types of nishchay: one is savikalp nishchay (conditional faith), and the other is nirvikalp nishchay (unconditional faith). Establishing a connection between the intellect or…
L-13 Remaining Undefeated by Adverse Place and Time
Asserted Topics: Even in adverse Desh and Kal (place and time), one does not face defeat. Main Points: Commentary: In this Vachanamrut, Gopalanand Swami asks Brahmanand Swami a question: “What type of person remains undefeated by Desh, Kal, etc., and what type of person is subdued by them?” Swami states…
L-14 On Likings of Shreeji Maharaj
Asserted Topics: The likings and views of Maharaj. Main Points: Commentary: This Vachanamrut discusses Maharaj’s likings and views. Shreeji Maharaj spoke to the Santo, mentioning that previous preceptors had their individual preferences. Each of these preceptors, in their writings, have occasionally narrated various things, but ultimately, they emphasize their own…
L-15 Explaining Ãtmãdarshan Using the Analogies of a Doll and a Cow
Asserted Topics: The nature of the Jeevatma (individual soul) and the principles of Sankhya, Yog, and Vedant. Main Points: Commentary: This Vachanamrut begins with Maharaj’s merciful words. The Jeev pervades all bodies through Adhyatma (spiritual), Adhibhoot (material), and Adhidev (divine) principles. Adhyatma refers to the subtle body, as expressed in…
L-16 Characteristics of Blunted and Eradicated Vasana (worldly desires)
Asserted Topics: Characteristics of intense, blunted, and eradicated vasana, as well as the traits of deceitful and proud individuals. Main Points: Commentary: This Vachanamrut is focused on the eradication of vasana. At the beginning of the discourse, Maharaj asked the paramhansas about the characteristics of one whose vasana has not…
L-17 Reverence and Condemnation
Asserted Topics: The reasons why a devotee who initially praises later engages in criticism. Main Points: Commentary: This Vachanamrut discusses the shift from praise to criticism. Initially, Maharaj compassionately explains the powerful nature of Maya (the illusionary power of God), noting how someone who may seem virtuous when first entering…
L-18 Conviction of God
Asserted Topics: Nischay in Bhagwan. Main Points: Commentary: This Vachanamrut focuses on nischay (conviction or firm faith). Maharaj says that we must first decide what the original form of Bhagwan in His divine abode is like. Once this decision is made, a devotee should worship and engage in the upasana…