Browsing CategoryGadhada Middle Chapter

Asserted Topics: Maintaining Akhand Smruti (constant remembrance of God). Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Shreeji Maharaj poses a question: Suppose a devotee follows the Dharma (moral duties) prescribed by the scriptures and also engages in the worship of Bhagwan (God), but faces a situation where either Bhakti or Dharma…

Asserted Topics: Devotion towards Bhagwan with fidelity and the devotee’s stance. Key Points: Explanation: This Vachanamrut emphasizes the importance of firm faith and steadfastness in Satsang. Maharaj instructs that a devotee of Bhagwan must maintain unwavering fidelity (pativrata) towards Shreeji Maharaj (Bhagwan) and show courage in upholding Satsang. In a…

Asserted Topics: Firm faith in the divine form of God (Swaroop Nishtha) Key Point: Explanation: This Vachanamrut emphasizes Swaroop Nishtha—firm faith in God’s divine form. By the word Swaroop, Maharaj refers to the murti (divine form) of God. The form of God is eternal, divine, and with attributes. God’s form…

Asserted Topics: The nurturing of sakar nischay (form-based conviction) in Bhagwan and the characteristics of gnan (knowledge), vairagya (non-attachment), and bhakti (devotion). Key Points: Explanation: In the first part of this Vachanamrut, Maharaj explains the importance of nurturing the “seed” that leads to liberation, likening it to the care one…

Asserted Topics: Maintaining enmity towards one’s swabhav (nature). Key Points: Explanation: This Vachanamrut emphasizes maintaining enmity towards one’s swabhav. Enmity towards one’s own swabhav is the primary cause for its eradication. Mere austerities and fasting cannot uproot the enemies such as lust, anger, etc. There are many ascetics and renunciates,…

Asserted Topics: Swaroopnishtha and Dharmanishtha. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Muktanand Swami raised a question: There are two types of steadfastness—one is like Swaroopnishtha (steadfastness in God’s form), which Arjun exemplified, and the other is like Dharmanishtha (steadfastness in Dharma), which was seen in King Yudhishthir. Often, when one…

Asserted Topics: Understanding God with or without the 24 elements of Maya. Key Points: Explanation: In this Vachanamrut, Maharaj asked the munis a question: Some devotees believe that God’s form includes the 24 elements of Maya, while others believe that God’s form is purely spiritual (chaitanyamay) and free from these…

Asserted Topics: Do individuals in samadhi (spiritual trance) experience an increase in knowledge and the strength of the senses? Key Points: Explanation:  In this Vachanamrut, the topic of discussion is whether individuals in samadhi experience an increase in knowledge and the strength of the body and senses. The santo were…