Browsing CategoryGadhada First Chapter

Asserted Topics: Clarification about the three kinds of Vairagya. Key Points: Worldly objects cannot control one who is not drawn toward them. Explanation विगतः रागः आसक्ति यस्मात् सः वैराग्यः ।  रंजयति इति रागः ।।vigataḥ rāgaḥ āsakti yasmāt saḥ vairāgyaḥ |  raṃjayati iti rāgaḥ || Things that make us happy create …

Asserted Topics: Devotees must be able to distinguish between genuine and false deeds. Key Points: Humble devotees perceive deficiencies in themselves and virtues in devotees and saints. Explanation  The word Vivek (wisdom) is used in the meaning of  विचिर् पृथकभावे विच् vichir pṛthakabhāve vich; it is originated from ‘Vich’ it…

Asserted Topics: A devotee should have a sense of discrimination between reality and unreality. Key Points: Explanation This Vachanāmrut discusses discerning between sat and asat (truth and fiction), while Vach.G.F.6 discusses its benefits and weaknesses. The ability to discern between truth and fiction occurs when an understanding of the object…

Asserted Topics: Remove the Kusang (negative influences) residing within the Satsaṅg. Key Points: In the name of God’s Glory, The means of pleasing God should not become insignificant. Explanation In this Vachanāmrut, Māharāj says that He wants to remove the kusang  entrenched in the Satsaṅg. What are these negative influences…

Asserted Topics: Dharma, Gyān, Vairagya and Bhakti are interdependent Key Points: Perfect each of the aforementioned virtues. Explanation In this Vachanāmrut, Māharāj says: “In our Satsaṅg devotees of God desire for their ultimate salvation. It cannot be achieved by alone Ātmanishthā, love for God, Vairagya (non-attachment), or Swadharma. Ultimate Mōkṣha…