GF-39 Those Possessing the Nirvikalp or Savikalp State 

Asserted Topics:

The clarity and resolution in understanding the states of Savikalp and Nirvikalp.

Key Points:

The reason for the different understanding between the state of Savikalp and Nirvikalpa. A true theory of describing Brahma.


In this Vachanāmrutam, a Vedanti Brahmin arrived in the assembly. Maharaj questioned him, emphasizing the singular existence of Brahm while considering other entities like the soul, Ishwar, Maya, the universe, Veda, scriptures, Puran as untrue. Maharaj expressed his confusion and disbelief in this philosophy, urging the Brahmin to answer based on Vyasji’s words, which hold utmost authority. Although the Brahmin attempted to answer, his explanations failed to alleviate the doubts.

Then Maharaj said, “Let us answer that. There are two different states for the liberated souls who worship God. One is the state of Savikalp Samadhi, and the other is the state of Nirvikalp Samadhi, which is of the great liberated souls. In the first state, the liberated souls perceive the existence of God, other liberated souls, and the universe. This is because there is not a complete connection in viewing everything within God; there is something left incomplete. However, in the Nirvikalp Samadhi state, there is such a deep connection with God that the awareness of other elements ceases. Such a liberated soul is only immersed in God. Scriptures that are written from the experiences of these souls might advocate for the sole existence of Brahm or God, but the words from those in the Savikalp Samadhi state may not convey the same. For them, all elements and scriptures are true, not false.

The great liberated souls in the Nirvikalp Samadhi state experience such an intense and complete connection with the form of God that they face a blockage of their direct sensory perception. Therefore, they do not perceive the world or other souls in their experience. Only God appears to them. Hence, it is said that only Brahm fills everything, but that is a result of their blocked direct perception and not the ultimate reality. Those who are very naive or atheistic, who only experience the material world and have a complete blockage of spiritual perception, for them, only the world is the reality.

Just because no one has seen the Supreme God doesn’t mean the existence of the Supreme God is negated. Such arguments are the results of a very naive mindset. For instance, when a person sees a new creation in a dream, they are unaware of any events happening outside, because their direct sensory perception is blocked by the dream. However, people around them are experiencing those events. Similarly, a person might see a terrifying scene in their dream and get scared, but a person who is awake doesn’t get frightened by it. This is because they are in a state of wakefulness and are not restricted by the dream’s perception; hence, they aren’t scared. Similarly, due to differences in states and the blockage of direct perception, experiences of those in ‘Savikalp’ and ‘Nirvikalp’ states differ. However, these states are relative. They are not universal for everyone, and the only universal truth is the ultimate reality. That is, the existence of the soul and the universe. So, should we consider the experience of those in the ‘Nirvikalp’ state as false? It’s also true and holds a higher significance. However, it’s relative. It’s appropriate for those in that state, but not for those in the ‘Savikalp’ state. To explain this state, Maharaj gave the analogy of a vessel in the sea, Mount Meru, and the Lokalok boundary. This analogy aptly describes the magnitude and the true essence of the state. If one interprets Brahm in the way Maharaj describes, there won’t be any contradictions in the scriptures. The philosophy that harmonizes all the sentences of the scriptures is considered more acceptable. If someone hasn’t achieved this state and only learns from scriptures, merely vocalizing the description of the sole Brahm and declaring the distinctions of philosophies and scriptures as false, then that person is profoundly ignorant and ultimately becomes hell-bound.