GF-08 Engaging The Indriyas In The Seva Of God And His Sant

Asserted Topics:

Offer the actions of senses and Antahkaran (mind, intelligence, conscious mind, and ego — conscience) in the service of God and His devotees.

Key Points:

The Five senses and Antahkaran are cleansed when offered in the service of God and His devotees, otherwise they are polluted if they can be consumed by worldly desires.


Shreeji Maharaj says in this Vachanāmrut that when the actions of the senses are occupied in the service of God and His devotees the Antahkaran is purified and the sins of this body are washed away. If engaged in the fulfilment of worldly desires/pleasures, it is destroyed. Why? Actions are the same. Working for the family is no different than work performed for God since the efforts expended will likely be the same. So why is it that in one case the efforts expended to purify the Antahkaran, while in the other case it is destroyed?

The answer to this is the point at which the efforts are offered is different. The source of motivation is different or we can also say there is a difference in the purpose. The purpose or Intention makes Antahkaran pure or impure. Only Harsh Words or Actions are not important as the intention. That is why, Shreeji Maharaj stresses that all actions of the senses must be offered to the service of God and His devotees. God should be at the base of the action of the senses since the five senses and conscience are described as Prapya-prakashkari (reflective) in scriptures. In other words, the five senses are like reflective instruments which echo what they receive. If the senses fill the mind with materialistic worldly pleasure, the mind will accumulate and spring malicious desires. If the services related to God are received, the mind will spring pious thoughts. Hearts of few people are spoundered by extreme emotions of devotion. While someones hearts are filled with lust, anger, greed etc these thoughts are not eternally present in one’s heart. one’s consciousness is a blank slate.

Shreeji Maharaj mentions in the Vachanāmrut that the “conscious mind is unblemished”. Both malicious words and the holy name of God could be written in a blank book. In this manner, whatever thoughts that sprout up in the mind are influenced by the senses. If God and the Santos are the base action of the senses, then the Antahkaran will emit the fragrance of devotion. If the base action of the senses is materialistic then the five vices lust, anger, etc. make Antahkaran as their abode.

Therefore, Shreeji Maharaj in this Vachanāmrut states that a person should enjoy the senses with the limitations imposed by the Shastras. Discarding negative influences and engaging in Satsaṅg would result in:

i) Destruction of the “I”-ness (attachment) towards the physical body.

ii) Disappearance of bodily ego and its related affections.

iii) Uncommon Affection towards God.

-Swaminarayan Chintan