L-03 The Characteristics of Those with Firm Faith Accompanied by Knowledge of God’s Greatness.

Asserted Topics:

Characteristics of those with firm faith accompanied by knowledge of God’s greatness.

Main Points:

  1. What wouldn’t they do for God and His Santo?
  2. They do not alter their actions from the commands of God and His Santo.
  3. Their understanding of the attainment (of God) is unwavering.
  4. They possess immense reverence for God’s greatness.
  5. Their hearts hold a clear distinction regarding the fate of devotees and non-devotees after death.


In this Vachanamrut, Shreeji Maharaj discusses the nature of a devotee who has unwavering faith in Bhagwan and His Santo, combined with an understanding of their greatness. Maharaj emphasizes that a person with such firm faith would be willing to abandon everything for the sake of God and His Santo—whether it be family, wealth, status, or even their life. This sense of absolute devotion is illustrated through the various stories of devotees, showcasing the kind of sacrifices they made for God.

Maharaj further explains that a person with such faith will not contradict the words of Bhagwan or His Santo. Whatever they command, the devotee will follow without hesitation. The bond of trust and faith is so strong that the devotee knows that everything that God and His saints ask for is in the best interest of the soul’s ultimate liberation.

In particular, Maharaj narrates the incident with Ramanand Swami, where He demonstrated unwavering obedience to the instructions given. Despite having an extraordinary feeling of Vairagya, Maharaj stayed in one place for nine months purely based on the wishes of His guru. This example illustrates the characteristics of one who possesses firm faith—there is no questioning, no reluctance, only complete devotion and submission to God and His saints.

Maharaj says that a devotee who has firm faith in Bhagwan and His Santo will go to any lengths to please them. Such a devotee can even accomplish the seemingly impossible for the sake of God and His Santo. For example, a devotee who possesses such unwavering faith will not be tempted by wealth or women, even in seclusion. Examples include Mulji Brahmachari, Sura Khachar, and Mancha Bhagat, who exemplified remarkable renunciation. Similarly, Muktanand Swami, Parvatbhai, and Kushal Kunwarbai demonstrated extraordinary detachment, and Dada Khachar exhibited exceptional dedication in complete surrender. These devotees, like Zamkuba and others who renounced each other as husband and wife for the sake of God, exemplified how understanding the profound greatness of Maharaj and His saints manifested in unparalleled self-sacrifice, total dedication, and tireless spiritual effort. Even today, when a person grasps the extraordinary nature of Shreeji Maharaj and His true Santo, they are bound to experience extraordinary transformations in their lives.

Maharaj also described another characteristic: a person who has firm faith, along with an understanding of the greatness of Bhagwan, never deviates from the commands of God. Such a person will follow God’s instructions without hesitation. Maharaj illustrated this point with His own example, where He remained obedient to Muktanand Swami on the command of Ramanand Swami. Furthermore, Maharaj narrated the extraordinary incidents of Dosa Vania and Sundarji Suthar. When a person truly understands the greatness of Bhagwan or His Santo, they naturally develop deep humility and a servant-like attitude. If one outwardly sings praises of God but internally becomes arrogant and egotistical, then they are deluding themselves; their devotion is not genuine.

The third point Maharaj made was that a devotee who has firm faith in Bhagwan and Sant, along with a true understanding of their greatness, experiences a sense of divine intoxication or joy within their heart. This feeling of being spiritually uplifted brings about a carefree, liberated state. To illustrate this, Maharaj shared the story of Rana Rajgor, a devotee from the village of Golida, who once chased away the messengers of death (Yamdoots) and fearlessly challenged death. His life was filled with this divine intoxication from Maharaj, just like Prahlad, who also lived in a state of spiritual ecstasy.

Prahlad boldly declared to God:

कुपितो जनकस्तथापि मे न विरामो हरि नाम कीर्तने।
मशकोपनिपातशंकया सदनं मुञ्चति किमहाजनः ? ।।

“Kupito janakas tathā’pi me na virāmo hari-nāma-kīrtane.”
(“Even if my father is angry, I will not stop chanting the name of Hari.”)

He further told God that he did not consider being saved from the demon as true protection; true protection would only be when God protected him from his real enemies—his senses.

The fourth point Maharaj made was that such devotees have a profound understanding of God’s greatness. He mentioned the story of the old woman from Kathlal village, who, after Maharaj dipped His toe into a pot of water, poured that water into the well. As a result, everyone in the village drank the water, and their intellects were enlightened.

The fifth point Maharaj made was that such devotees have a clear and firm distinction in their hearts, based on the scriptures and God’s glory. They are convinced that a person who has a true connection with God and His Sant will never fall into misfortune. Even if that person meets a tragic end, they will reach moksha (liberation). Conversely, those without a connection to God and His Santo, no matter how virtuous their deeds may be as described in the scriptures, will not attain liberation. This unwavering clarity of mind is a result of understanding God’s greatness. If this understanding is lacking, people may hear these distinctions from the scriptures, but they will not be fully convinced in their hearts. When these traits manifest in someone’s life, it can be said that they have a true understanding of the greatness of Bhagwan and Sant. True faith is not just something to talk about; it is something that must be lived.