55. A fake saint is very intelligent in faking the original

A fake saint very well knows how to be famous

A fake saint very well knows the technique of becoming famous. He knows that greatness in this world doesn’t come unless he pushes the boundaries of his work to the extreme.

Being good or bad doesn’t make one famous. A person becomes famous only when he is extremely good or extremely bad.

If we do really good work but only to a very limited extent, it doesn’t make us great in this world. Only the people around us will know about the good work. If we want to spread our greatness, we should do it to the extreme.

Bali Maharaj is considered the greatest donor in this world. He was donating to whoever came to him. If anyone approaches him, they will definitely get something in return. He has a written board outside his office, saying, “Hey Everyone. You are welcome to wish anything and take as much as you can.”

Was he donating only to good people and good causes? He wanted to do extremely good work. He doesn’t care if his donations are used for good works or for bad works; he doesn’t see the eligibility of the receiver and was donating liberally to everyone. He did extreme donations and so he is so famous for donations.

We should do any work to the extreme possibility if we want to achieve greatness, and a fake saint knows that technique very well.

Fake saint fakes the original

Shreeji Maharaj has said that “To make a saint like Muktanand Swami, I have to spend my hundred years of life. Only then can I make a saint like Muktanand Swami.”

Nowadays, in this hi-tech age, where we can do anything in a matter of moments. Fake saints too emerge in a matter of moments and get ready to apply their wicked tricks.

How does a fake saint apply his wicked trick?

Here is the trick: When there is an original object, place a fake (dummy or imitation) object of that original object next to it but with excellent finishing touches. Now, ask a person to pick an object from these two objects. Which object does he pick?

He picks the object with excellent finishing—the fake one.

When there is a true saint, take a wicked saint and make sure that he looks as real and pure as that of a true saint but with good finishing touches. Now, ask a person to pick the true saint from these two saints. Whom does he pick?

If we believe that the one who has good finishing touches is real, then we are tricked.

That is the trick of a fake saint and that is his wickedness. He is very intelligent in faking the original.

So, Nishkulanand Swami says that “Don’t be fooled by external appearance to get stuck with a fake saint. Use your intelligence, use Vachanamrut, Swami-Ni-Vato, and other key scriptures, and use your common sense as well to find out the true saint.”


  1. Chosathpadi Katha Part 28 (Pad 43-46).