12. Demonic souls are more intense than divine souls

True devotees are vulnerable to the traps of wicked souls

Fake saints or fake devotees do not need to be alerted. They do not need to be reminded of anything, and they are always ready and alert. One will never find a fake devotee or saint being fooled by a divine soul.

On the other hand, divine souls always need to be alerted and protected from time to time. Yet they might fall into the traps of fake people.

There are spiritual masters available to guide divine souls. Are there any masters available to guide fake people? No, because fake people do not need anyone’s guidance.

If a fake person joins a group of true devotees, who is going to suffer? True devotees, because one fake person is going to ruin the bhakti of all other true devotees.

Divine souls are not as alert and aware of their surroundings as fake saints and devotees are. Divine souls are not as intense as demonic souls.

Out of all divine souls, only one of them is the smartest who can understand the actions and intentions of wicked souls. He is none other than Bhagwan. Lord Krishna, Lord Ram, and Lord Swaminarayan were all better than the demonic souls they faced during their lifetimes. Only Bhagwan can understand the actions and intentions of demonic souls, challenge them, and destroy them all; He is the greatest enemy of demonic souls.

Demons are intense than divine souls

Let’s look at the examples of Prahladji and Dhruvji. Both are devotees of Bhagwan. Both are strong devotees since their childhood. Among these two devotees, whose bhakti is more intense than the other?

Prahladji’s bhakti is highly intense than Dhruvji.

From where did Prahladji get such intensity?

When Hiranyaksha was killed by Lord Varaha, Hiranyakasipu, the brother of Hiranyaksha and father of Prahladji, made a promise to his mother and sister-in-law that he will for sure kill the person responsible for the death of his dear brother.

He then went to perform severe penance. He performed such an intense penance that a colony of ants constructed an anthill on top of him while he was completely focused on his penance. Everyone in the three worlds (heaven, hell, and earth) was surprised by the intensity of his penance. Then, Lord Brahma came to him, cleared the anthill, and woke him up from penance. That was the intensity of his penance.

Being a son of Hiranyakasipu, Prahladji would get the same spirit and intensity in his activities. Isn’t it?

One day Prahladji’s mother had him sit on her lap and asked, “Dear son, can you reduce your bhakti to Bhagwan to please your father.”

Prahladji immediately got out of her lap and said: “I’m sorry but I can never do that. My father is nothing but a mosquito-like bug when compared to Bhagwan.”

Dhruvji was intense in his bhakti too, but not as intense as Prahladji.

Prahladji had faced a lot of obstacles in a short period and overcame all of them with his bhakti, which was not the case with Dhruvji.

Prahladji was very intense because of the highly intense nature of his community of demons.

Demons are persistent in their attempts to achieve their goal until death even if their goal is a wicked one. Divine people are not as persistent as demons even if their goal is a divine one. Divine people are always dull-headed when compared to demonic people.

Divine people think, “All is well. I am right on the path of Bhagwan. I am okay with the slow progress that I make in the path of Bhagwan.”

Demonic people think, “Why can’t I go ahead in that path quickly? If I go fast on the path, is it a loss to anyone’s father? And who can dare stop me?”

Prahladji is a mix of demonic souls and divine souls. On one hand, he is determined and persistent like demons. On the other hand, he has all the qualities of a great devotee.

All through the history of time up until now, no devotee can be compared to Prahladji because of the intensity of his bhakti. Simply put, so far there is no devotee like Prahladji.


  1. Chosathpadi Katha Part 08 (Pad 08)