02. Six qualities of a saint who is as good as Bhagwan

If we want to associate with a true saint, we should first understand the process of identifying one. After identifying a true saint, we must surrender our mind and our life to him; we must listen to such a saint and mold our life accordingly.

Nishkulanand Swami has said that “Sant te swayam Hari,” meaning, a true saint himself is the murti of Bhagwan.

In Vachanamrut-35 of Gadhada Antya chapter, Shreeji Maharaj asked, “What are the qualities of a saint who if served is like serving Bhagwan and if cheated is like cheating Bhagwan?”

There are six such qualities of a saint. If one serves a saint with these six qualities, he is in fact serving Bhagwan; if he cheats on that saint, he is in fact cheating Bhagwan.

1.      A true saint firmly believes in the murti (divine form) of Bhagwan

He believes in the murti of Bhagwan, worships the murti of Bhagwan, and unconditionally loves Bhagwan present in the murti.

If we don’t firmly believe in the murti of Bhagwan, we cannot have unconditional love for Bhagwan.

If a devotee doesn’t believe in the murti of Bhagwan, then to whom is he devoted? To whom is he offering delicious food and water? To whom is he serving? Without believing in the murti, how can he become mad at the divine beauty of Bhagwan?

That is the reason a true saint must always believe in the murti of Bhagwan.

2.      A true saint is pleased when he sees someone else performing bhakti

Let’s say there is a person performing bhakti of Bhagwan. There is another person who sees him performing bhakti and is very pleased with him.

Who is the real devotee among these two? The one performing bhakti? Or the one who is pleased when others perform bhakti?

A devotee is not the one who performs bhakti; a real devotee is the one who is pleased when he sees others performing bhakti.

Many times, a saint or devotee is unhappy or jealous when he sees another person of equal stature doing bhakti.

Some devotees can’t sit together with another devotee on the same stage and sing kirtans with him; some saints can’t sit together on the same stage with another saint and listen to his katha.

When a person is not happy seeing another doing bhakti, what does it say about him as a person? It says that he is for sure not a true saint or devotee.

When can our seva to a saint or a devotee reach Bhagwan? When that saint or devotee is immensely pleased to see others performing bhakti, only then would the seva to such a saint or devotee reach Bhagwan. The thought-process of such a saint or devotee would be: “He and I are devoted to same Bhagwan; he and I are serving the same Bhagwan; he and I are singing the glories of the same Bhagwan, and I am very happy for him.”

If one is pleased to see the saintly qualities of another person, he is a true saint or devotee.

If one is restless and unhappy to see the saintly qualities of another person, he is for sure not a true saint or devotee.

3.      If a true saint likes something that he owns, he offers it to another saint or devotee

A true saint or devotee is pleased when an object that he likes is possessed by another person of equal or better status.

This is very difficult. Isn’t it?

If a devotee is praised in an assembly, will the other devotees of similar status be pleased with him?

If a saint is honored and admired in an assembly, will the other saints of similar status be happy with him?

Many saints or devotees will not truly be happy if another person of equal or better status is praised. They may try to show that they are happy though internally they might be unhappy. Such an individual is not a true saint or devotee.

4.      Even though a true saint is usually calm, he can’t tolerate the association of a kusangi

A true saint is usually calm and peaceful. He can withstand everything. However, when he sees someone who is not completely surrendered to Bhagwan, then he can’t tolerate associating with that person.

Shreeji Maharaj has said, “I can never stay with someone who is not a devotee of Bhagwan even if there are a million reasons to stay with him. It is my nature to avoid staying with non-devotees or half-hearted devotees.”

Similarly, a true saint can’t tolerate associating with a person who is not a true devotee of Bhagwan though he might be good-natured.

Shreeji Maharaj has said, “Let you all be very alert. If your heart desires for anything other than Bhagwan, I will never touch you, not even with my feet, and I will have no relation with you whatsoever.”

Let’s say there is a devotee who also maintains a good relationship with everyone. In a sense, he is tolerant and considers the entire world as one family. वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम –– Vasudaiva kutumbakam. Can we consider him a true devotee?

Getting along with everyone is different than having a close relationship with everyone.

Tolerant people can get along with anyone. They can accept anyone for who they are and get along with them no matter what kind of person the other individual is.

Shreeji Maharaj said that one shouldn’t have a close relationship with a non-devotee. We should get along with everyone, but we shouldn’t get close to everyone.

If we associate with a bad person, it means there is something bad within us as well. If not, how will we be able to tolerate associating with a bad person?

In essence, we should not wish to go to a place that has no devotees of Bhagwan; we should only wish for the association of people who are completely devoted to Bhagwan; we should have relations only with those who are truly surrendered to Bhagwan.

5.      He changes his nature instead of driving away from a true devotee

If a saint’s nature prevents him from associating with a true saint or true devotee, he changes his nature instead of giving up the association of that saint or devotee. Such a saint is a true saint.

6.      He is the same from inside and outside

A true saint is not fake. The image he projects to the outside world is what he actually is.

He is also very friendly with Bhagwan and devotees of Bhagwan. (Some people are friendly only with like-minded individuals and are not friendly with devotees of Bhagwan.)

The association of a true saint with others might be as per his natural inclination, but he is always friendly, tolerant, and forgiving with a devotee of Bhagwan.

If a saint has acquired all these six qualities, then he is like Bhagwan. In fact, a saint with these six qualities is the murti of Bhagwan. Respecting that saint is like respecting Bhagwan; serving such a saint is like serving Bhagwan. When we devote ourselves to such a saint, then we are for sure devoted to Bhagwan.

Nishkulanand Swami says that, if you find such a saint, first observe that saint and then serve him.

To observe a saint means to find all the good and bad qualities of that saint. After observing that saint, we should figure out how to get benefitted from his good qualities and how to stop acquiring his bad qualities.


  1. Chosathpadi Katha Part 02 (Pad 02).