10. Learn To Reject The By-Products Of Devotion

As we progress on devotional path, we gain many prosperous benefits, opulence, capabilities (siddhis) like Vachan-Siddhi (whatever you say would happen), ability to see future, etc., These are the by-products of your devotion.

Some examples: Vyapakanand Swami made a dead horse alive by transferring the soul of a mosquito. Bringing back the dead brahmin son back to life by his spiritual strength is another example. Balmukunddas Swami had the capability to send anyone to Akshardham directly. He would ask them to just sit and do chanting of God. Within some time, he would send them directly to Akshardham.

How do devotees get such capabilities and opulence? Day by day they gain such powers by holding the Divine image of God in their hearts, by remembering God always. If we start rejecting such prosperity and never use them, then we would become single-minded devotee. If we start using them then we can’t become single-minded devotee of God.

Shruti Prakash Swami asked, “Swami, can we use them for the welfare of the devotees?”

If it is used to remove the sufferings of a devotee, there won’t be much problem. But if it is used to increase the worldly prosperities and richness of a devotee, then it is a major problem.

Why is it a problem? The suffering is for a limited time. A person wants to come out of that limited suffering. But the richness is unlimited. As we get rich, hunger to get richer always increases.

Jogi Swami never let anyone to take his photo. If someone asks for the photo, he used to go upstairs and sit somewhere.

If we focus more on these benefits, we tend to become more attached to the benefits.

As we walk on the path towards God, we should learn to reject the prosperity and capabilities that we get as the result of devotional services. Only then we could become a staunch single-minded devotee of God.

16th June 2017: Orlando, FL
Swami Ni Vato