10. A Saint Is The Key To Maharaj

The real Satsang happens when you have faith and trust with a single-minded Saint. Like we have faith and trust in a friend, we should have trust and faith in a Saint. If you are close to a friend you get access to all his possessions, all his connections, and all his valuable things. Similarly, if you are close to a Saint, you get easy access to Maharaj.

Satsang doesn’t happen if you buy things to Saints. True Satsang is when you develop Atmabudhhi with true Saint. Atmabudhhi means strong attachment that you have with your own body and relatives.

From the time of Maharaj to until now, Satsang is always done by a Saint. Not by Maharaj, not by Acharya Maharaj, not by anyone else, but only by a Saint. That is the basic duty of a Saint. He doesn’t have a house, family, and any other worry. It is his only duty.

If you have strong attachments with a Saintly person, you get pure spiritual intelligence, and good advancement towards God. If we have trust and faith in a demonic person, your track with be changed gradually to a wrong destination.

Only through a Saint we get linked with God. We can’t directly go to God. Here is the process: First, get connection with Saint. Next, build trust and faith with the Saint. Next, attach firmly to the Saint. Finally, reach God through Saint.

The closer we become to a Saint, the closer we become to Maharaj.

16th June 2017: Orlando, FL
Swami Ni Vato and Vachanamrut Gadhada Pratham 54