04. Never Find Mistakes In Devotees

To find mistakes in the Devotees is the quality of demons. We should not find mistakes neither in a real devotee nor in real devotion. If we find mistakes in them, then we gradually find mistakes in God as well.

Sishupal always found mistakes in Lord Krishna. He used to scold that Krishna had two mothers and two fathers though in real Krishna had two mothers and two fathers.

He used to scold on the births of Pandavas. He used to scold on how Draupadi was married to five Pandavas at once.

Maharaj said that when devotees take human birth, there would be some limitations in the life. Highlighting those limitations of the devotees and making fun or developing hate towards them is disrespecting a devotee and their devotion. We should be careful that those limitations would not enter our life. But we should never disrespect a devotee because of humanly limitations.

Sishupal did a survey on Lord Krishna and found out 100 mistakes in Lord Krishna. Even if you don’t like someone, you can’t make a list of 100 mistakes. At the maximum, you could make two or three. Sishupal found 100 and he started from Krishna’s childhood. He scolded Krishna in a conference during the Rajasuya Yagna hosted by King Yudhisthir. Then Lord Krishna had to use Sudarshan Charka to shut him off.

It is only because of hate that we try to find faults in other devotees. When hate dominates, even if the devotee has lot of good qualities, we are blinded. It might be that something is wrong in the way we see the mistakes though in reality the faults might not exist at all.

Who hates rich people? The one who doesn’t have money hates the rich. If someone has a good quality, and if we don’t have that quality, then we start hating them.

Gopalanand Swami Ni Vato says that there are three reasons why we find faults in a person.

1.If the person really had the fault.

2.If you don’t have the good qualities he has. You are jealous of him and starts finding faults with him.

3.If he made you feel bad by disrespecting you or going against you. From that moment you never see any of his good qualities and only find faults in him.

If he has some fault, then we should let go that fault and ignore it completely. If he doesn’t have the fault, then it is you that should be changed to not find faults in devotees of God.

Every human has different natures. We should not find faults based on the natures.

If one of the five vows that he was given at the time of initiation is broken, then you should avoid him even if he possesses other great qualities. Otherwise we should let go all the other faults of devotees of God.


7th June 2017: Atlanta, GA
Vachanamrut Gadhada First 31, Gadhda Madhya 44