27. Only a Saint makes us happy

Saint is better than Dharma, Gnan, Vairagya, and Bhakti

Nishkulanand Swami asks, “Other than a Saint who will tell us the real ways of being happy?”

Does Dharma, Gnan, Vairagya, and Bhakti make us happy or sad? They make us happy. Then how is that only Saint could make us really happy?

Dharma, Gnan, Vairagya, and Bhakti make us happy. But they don’t tell us where to use those qualities. They don’t tell us the places to use our good qualities and the places not to use them. They don’t stop you if you are using your good qualities at a wrong place. They also don’t stop you if you are using your good qualities to make yourself eternally happy.

They don’t guide you. Only a Saint guides you. Only a Saint can ask you to use your skills for your own good. Only a Saint can guide you about the real happiness. He never speaks anything that brings you sorrow. That is the reason a Saint is better than Dharma, Gnan, Vairagya, and Bhakti.

The one who possess Dharma, Gnan, Vairagya, and Bhakti is not a Saint. A Saint is more than that. What is more than that? He uses everything he possess in the service of God and His Saints.

During the times of Lord Swaminarayan, the Saints used to teach moral values to everyone. Evil and foolish people used to criticize them. Sometimes the Saints were beaten and made fun. They used to poison the alms and beat them hard. They were treated so badly even if they were teaching good habits to everyone. Yet the Saints never hated anyone and had only compassion towards everyone.

Thinking about God with passion

There was an incident in Gurukul. One day, a student fell unconscious. He was rushed to hospital. In the hospital when he came back to consciousness he started shouting, “My Mummy was killed by someone. My Mummy was killed by someone.”

Someone around told him that no one killed your Mummy. She is very safe.

He was shouting loud because his soul was so much attached to his Mummy that he was thinking about his mother in all states of mind (including dreamless unconscious state).

How did he get so much faith on his mother? Why doesn’t such a faith happen to us on God?

When he is in Gurukul, no one speaks to him about his mother. He may sometimes think of her. We too think of God, hear about Him, and try to contemplate on Him, but we haven’t reached the state of that boy.

He thought about his mother only for some time and yet he got such a state of mind. We think a lot about God and yet we don’t get such a state of mind.

How did he achieve such an attachment on his mother? It happened because he contemplated about his mother with passion. We too contemplate on God but without passion. That is the reason we don’t reach his state of mind.

A Saint is like a tree

A Saint is the best well-wisher of every living creature. His pure intention is that everyone should reach the divine abode of God and everyone should enjoy the bliss forever.

Nishkulanand Swami compares a Saint to a Tree.

Are Trees better than Humans?

Humans are good, but they don’t always do good to others. Trees on the other hand, always do good to everyone. Trees never use their own fruits. They always give everything they produce to others.

A mango tree never eats mango. Whatever it produces is only for the benefit and taste of others. It gives everything to others to satisfy their taste of worldly-tongue and to benefit their bodily-health.

A tree is greater than human. A Saint is greater than a tree. A tree gives you fruits, but you must approach a tree to get the fruits. A Saint comes to you to give you the fruits.

A Saint gives things that are for your ultimate good. So, he is actually better than a tree. Whatever a Saint does is for the sake of others. He never uses his good qualities for himself.

You use your education for yourself or for others?

You use whatever you learn in this life for yourself or for others?

Trees drink water. Do they drink for themselves or for others? Tree even dies for the sake of others so that it would become firewood. A Saint would even die for the sake of others. He never cares for his final rites like a tree.

A Saint always wishes your good.

Clouds gives us rains and purifies earth. Sun-God gives us his rays and energizes us. Moon-God gives us his soothing rays and pleases us. Similarly, the Saint gives us directions for our happiness and is the resting place for the ultimate good.

Clouds, Sun-God and the Moon-God do their own single task for the sake of others. A Saint does all of them together. A Saint invokes the purity within us. He ploughs our heart to sow the seeds of our ultimate good. He protects us and removes all our bad intentions and desires. All of them are done by a single Saint.

Serving such a Saint is the most important task. It must be done today and now. That is the only way to be happy now and forever. We have not tasted the happiness of serving such a Saint yet. Have a sample of it and you will know it for real.

References :

Sarsiddhi Katha Part 29