24. Real Saint/devotee is brave

Do we enjoy doing service to God ?

Do we enjoy doing service or do we find it difficult? We find it difficult. While doing service we find it difficult if someone hurt our ego.

The householders earn money. Do they enjoy doing it or do they find it difficult? They enjoy doing it. They have taste for it.

Who does lot of hard work? Householder or devotee? Householders does a lot of hard work and they have taste for it. If devotee does a little Seva, they find it hard and feel tired. If at all we do Seva we think, “No one is capable of doing the Seva or willing to do Seva. Here I am doing it so well.”

Until we don’t get the taste of serving God we don’t understand anything about God including liberation.

What is liberation? Not getting attached to anything whatsoever is called liberation.

When is liberation decided? After death? No. It is decided before death. Not after death. Everything is decided before death. Not after. You would get service of God after death? No. If you are serving God now, you would serve God after death. Everything has to be done now and here. Everything is decided here and before death.

Saint or devotee doesn’t desire even for liberation. Their consciousness is colored with detachment by which they don’t have any weird desires. Their hearts are completely filled with devotion to Lord. Their hearts feel the ever-new vibrations and waves of Maharaj’s love. They are staunch in their moral values and filled with complete knowledge. All the auspicious qualities rest in their heart and they are ever ready to use all their skills and qualities in the service of Maharaj.

The real Saint and devotee is brave enough to use all the qualities they possess in the service of God and Saints. They are careful that their good qualities are not misused anywhere else and are used only in the service of God and Saints. They are brave in doing so.

Who is really brave?

The one who wins their own nature is called real-brave. The one who overcomes the side-effects of morality, detachment, knowledge, and devotion to serve God and His devotees is real-brave.

If we possess detachment, we start to feel that we are great. If we possess knowledge, we feel our own importance. These are the side-effects of them. Controlling the side-effects and using them for God and His Saints is called true bravery.

Svabhava Vijayo Shouryam – The one who wins over their nature is brave.

References :
Sarsiddhi Katha Part 24