9. Attached soul vs detached soul

You need nothing if you know the Murti of God

An incident is mentioned in the holy scripture Harililamrut. Once, Santdasji visited Karyani to enjoy the divine glimpse of Maharaj. When Santdasji visited Maharaj, Maharaj was seated on a throne.

Santdasji reached Maharaj and walked 20 feet backwards from Maharaj. From there, he ran as fast as a horse and fell at the feet of Maharaj.

Again, he went back 20 feet, ran to Maharaj and fell at Maharaj.

Maharaj asked the devotees to be careful as Santdasji doesn’t know anything.

Then Maharaj fed him sweets. He was continuously eating. He never stopped eating and ate a lot of sweets. He did not say “no” or “enough.”

Maharaj said that he doesn’t know whether to eat or whether not to eat. He knows only one thing, the Murti of Maharaj. He doesn’t know anything else.

Attachment and detachment does the same work

Attachment and detachment does the same work. The only difference is that attachment works in the path of the world while detachment works in the path of God.

For worldly people, happiness, unhappiness, comfort, uncomfort, favorable, unfavorable, nothing counts when they are working for money.

Businessmen bring food from their home. In the passion to earn more money, they forget to eat. The lunch-box lies in the corner until evening. They don’t mind for happiness or sorrow, favorable or unfavorable. They have only one focus: to earn more and more money. Hunger, tiredness, and disturbances doesn’t disturb them at all.

Are we so much attached to God? Are we in that state of mind to get Maharaj? Are we so desperate to get Maharaj that we forget to eat food? If we are so passionate towards Maharaj, then it is called detachment.

Happiness and sorrowness is sustained by everyone. Not necessarily by detached persons. People bear everything for money, for self-pride, for a relative, for everyone and everything except for God.

Dividing line between attached and detached person

The works of an attached person and detached person are the same. Then what is the dividing line between them?

Nishkulanand Swami says that the one with detachment looks at both pleasing objects and displeasing objects as displeasing objects. An attached person considers both pleasing objects and displeasing objects as pleasing objects.Sometimes, displeasing situations are displeasing to the worldly person. But for a detached person, even pleasing objects are displeasing.

Sadguru Gunatitanand Swami says that good objects are full of bad in them in which sorrow and attachment are always increasing.

Every world object is full of unhappiness. But attachment to that object makes one believe that there is infinite happiness in that object and misguides us and then gives us enough unhappiness. The one who is detached can see it very clearly.

Good objects trouble more than bad objects

What is the difference between good sense object and bad sense object? Bad sense object provides unhappiness immediately. Good sense object provides unhappiness later on after playing with you and misleading you to assume that there is enough happiness in that object.A detached person always likes to live a simple, obstacle-free, and pure life with easily obtained objects that could be obtained with little effort or no effort and he is very happy with that.

He likes to live with flawless objects. A detached person’s way of living and way of maintaining his body is always free of deceit, secrets, duplicity, senseless, and hard-efforts.

A detached person though not sad on himself but is sad about the world. The happiness a detached person gets in being free from sorrows can’t be obtained by an attached person even if his attachments are satisfied. A detached person gets happiness in obstacles by thinking and taking it as a challenge on how to do Seva in this tough situation.

A detached person’s life is free of obstacles and hardships. He doesn’t wish for anything to satisfy his body. His dress is only to protect from heat, cold, weather, and shame. He never thinks of how he looks in a dress. He doesn’t need a comfortable bed to sleep on. He only needs some land to sleep. He doesn’t need AC or comfort or a secret places to take rest.

An attached person is attached to achieve the attachments. A detached person is attached only to enjoy the bliss of God. He is not concerned if someone encourages him or not, if he is blamed or not blamed, if his comforts are snatched or not. He doesn’t move from his attachment to God. Any kind of unfavorable conditions can’t even slightly disturb the detached soul.

Nishkulanand Swami says that, “the one who sees the most luxury of the world and the most favorable situations and conditions as the most sorrowful is the most praiseworthy and really living the life. There is no sense object that could cause him misery.”

Sarsiddhi Katha Part 09